Elder Meeting Minutes

Minutes from meetings held by the leadership of FBC Clarion

March 5, 2025

6:30 – 8:00 pm

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Randy Leadbetter, chairperson. Randy also led the opening prayer.

Members present were Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Randy Leadbetter, Ralph Roudybush, and Mack West. Following is the order of business in accordance with the agenda.

The letter from Staci Kiehl, provided prior to the meeting, was reviewed by board members. Staci expressed her (and her husband’s) appreciation for support of their visit to be with Colton on his missionary trip.

        Rebranding: Board members reaffirmed our intention to proceed with the process, and the desired timeline of the church’s 150th anniversary – April 26, 2026. Each member provided their position (pros and cons) on the matter, and affirming our core belief and vision will not be changed. It was agreed to take the matter to the Joint Session as soon as we’re ready, in April or May, etc. As discussed in the previous meeting we feel the congregation will be more receptive if they are a part of the process, and it will be smoother if we provide 2-3 names for the congregation to work with versus a long list to start with. A few options were tabled, as well as a list developed from AI, and each member is to provide input at the next meeting for discussion and delivery at the next joint session. Discussion and commitment to initiate slides on the list of things we want to communicate was agreed on.

    Jason provided an update on Tenebrae based on discussion with Trent (Zion Baptist Church). Discussion included a draft program, meal/catering and cost sharing. Zion’s Elders are excited about the partnership.

    Van status update: Jason’s dad's church will have an update next week.

    At the moment there are 2 people who wish to be baptized. The potential dates are around the end of the month (March) or the first of April. Easter is also a possibility.

    The Elders discussed ministry needs within our congregation.

    Elders Prayer Commitments: The Elders have committed to praying for several specific items and people between this meeting and the next.

    The next meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2025. Ralph conducted the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m.

February 19, 2025

6:30 – 8:00 pm

The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm by Randy Leadbetter, chairperson. Randy also led the opening prayer.

Members present were Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Randy Leadbetter, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, and Mack West.  

Beth Weiland and Staci Keihl of the DO Committee met with the Elders and discussed a variety of topics. We discussed streaming worship service to the nursery for attendants’ view. Recommended age groups for the children are 0-3 years old for the nursery, and 4-6/7 years of age for children church. Staffing is a concern and the question arose ‘how do we recruit’? The board had a lengthy discussion on this topic.

Next, there was a discussion of ideas for VBS and outreach this summer. That initiated a discussion about initiating a Backyard Bible Club. This would give us an opportunity to meet parents as well as reaching children. The culminating event would be the church picnic where children and parents are invited.      


Tenebrae: The decision was made not to have the same performer/program as last year. Jason and Trent will build a program. Cost discussion included donations a love offering. These plans will be shared with the Deacons at Joint Session.

The board is finalizing a letter that would go out to members who have not been with us for over one year.

Buff will preach March 2 and present an award.

The discussion of rebranding continued but the Elders do not feel they are prepared to share their research and ideas with Joint Session. Perhaps they will be able to do so at the Joint Session schedule for the month of May.

The Mission Committee is considering having a time of prayer for missionaries each Sunday. The focus would be on one missionary each month.


The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30 p.m. Keith led the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

February 5, 2025

6:30 – 8:00 pm

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 by Scott Underhill, chairperson. Scott also led the

opening prayer.

Members present were Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, and

Mack West. Following is the order of business in accordance with the agenda.

Old business.

a. Tenebrae: Jason shared his discussion with Trent, pastor of Zion Baptist Church, on

ideas of what we might do this year. Both agreed we definitely should do the picnic

together. We should make a plan on how.

b. New business.

1. Junior Church and Nursery: Jason stated we need to make some decisions, for

instance, grouping children together in age ranges. We need to talk more with Beth,

Discipleship Outreach Committee Chairperson. The committee has suggestions but

seem hesitant to make decisions. Ralph added that maybe we should have a meeting

with them, to help them with decisions. Jason asked Scott to talk with Randy about

scheduling a meeting with the committee on February 19th (our next scheduled Elders


2. Van: Jason spoke with his father this week about a van owned by his church. The

church voted unanimously to give the van away and we can have it. The vehicle is a

2013 Ford F350 mini-bus with approximately16K or 18K miles. It has a 14 passenger

capacity with storage overhead and cargo storage in the rear. Information Jason

received from an insurance company is there is no requirement for a commercial

driver’s license. Mack suggested we can also confirm this with the Pennsylvania

Department of Transportation if there is still concern. The committee spoke briefly

about the possibilities this van can provide. There are some financial implications

such as insurance, registration, maintenance, etc. Ralph motioned we take this to the

joint session at next week’s meeting; Mack seconded the motion.

3. Membership update: Subsequent to a previous meeting, cards were sent in October

2024 to members who had not attended service for quite some time. Two of the cards

were sent to members who have not attended for more than a year and are outside

the membership requirement of the Constitution. No response was received. The

Elders discussed removal of those two from the membership list by letter that speaks

to our concern for their spiritual health and inviting them to meet with the Elders.

However, the wording of Article V, Section D, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution which

addresses membership termination in this case is questionable. Mack was given the

lead of drafting the letter for review during the upcoming joint session.

4. March 2nd – Jason at Zion Baptist Church: At the January 15 meeting the board

approved Jason to fill in for Trent on March 2nd. Jason informed the board that First

Baptist Church will be covered on this day by Buff McNickle, Chairman of the Baptist

Resource Network.

5. A Joint Session will be held on February 12th, at 6:00 pm. This will be an in-person


6. A discussion on renaming the church included the question of legal requirements

associated with the change. Jason explained only the name would change; there

would be no change in mission, purpose, focus etc. On or by February 19th we must

make the decision to move forward (step 1). This will be an in-person meeting.

Afterward, we will go to Joint Session, followed by a congregation meeting.

7. Jason suggested the Board should meet in-person once a quarter. Agreement was


8. The topic of Teen membership classes was presented by Jason. He stated that he is

actually looking at a multi-generation class and believes it has merit.

9. Jason informed the Board that currently his vacation plan includes July 27th through

August 3rd. There will probably be more information along the way.

10. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19th at 6:30 pm. Keith led

the closing prayer. The meeting adjourned at 7:54 pm.

January 15, 2025

6:30 – 8:00 pm


    The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by Randy Leadbetter, chairperson. Randy also led the opening prayer.


    Members present were Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Randy Leadbetter, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, and Mack West. Following is the order of business in accordance with the agenda.


a.    No old business was identified for discussion.

b.    Stacy Keihl represented the outreach committee on the need for junior church and nursery volunteer coverage for the first Sunday of each month. It was noted we have a former student volunteer who is not a member and who has graduated. Patti Cyphert will approach some member mothers to fill in when needed. Scott recommended continued announcement of the need to the congregation. Jason will touch base with the two people who are involved most for suggestions. In the meantime, Staci suggested rotating current volunteers every first Sunday.

c.     Jason stated we need to start working VBS/Outreach now. It will probably be conducted in June instead of July, due to other scheduled activities. Jason recommended we conduct JAM in the Park over two days in Eagle Park or County Park.

d.    Keith suggested we continue Outreach as another option. Scott liked the idea of having church in communities – small groups. Jason reminded the group that Grace Baptist has a bus that we can borrow. This will allow us to go into ____________ village. Randy asked Jason to take the lead and get the ball rolling with the group.

e.    Jason commented that Outreach should not be limited to “good areas” only. He recommends we consider having RAK (random acts of kindness) days where we display the church to the community.

f.      Another Outreach activity introduced by Jason was “Bless CYS”. This activity includes baby-sitting foster children to provide short periods of relief to foster parents. Each church has one month in the year to provide this service – our month is February.

g.    We discussed financial support request for Colton’s parents (Ken and Staci) to join him for a short period of time while on his mission. This would allow them to see first-hand what he is experiencing, while participating at the same time. It was decided to consult with Dave (Deacons) on how we might support the request.

h.     On March 2nd Jason has the opportunity to preach at Zion Baptist. The Elders approved with the understanding that one of our board members must fill the pulpit on that date.

i.      Tenebrae: The board considered comments on 2024 service arrangement with Zion and the question of whether we should repeat it for 2025.

j.      End of summer Picnic was discussed

k.     World of Life Camp dates were given

l.      BRN Serve Tour will be in Scranton Wilkes Barre area

m.   Love Inc. request to use FBC’s building on a temporary basis was tabled, and is in discussion.

n.    At the next meeting the Board will discuss action on updating the membership list, based on cards sent to members who have not been in attendance for an extended period of time.

o.    The board agreed to think, and provide input at the next meeting, on the idea of changing the name of the church – rebranding.

p.    In response to Keith’s question of when the next membership class would be conducted, Jason stated within the next couple weeks.

q.    The board discussed the current meeting scheduled and agreed to continue with the first and third Wednesday of each month.


Mack led the closing prayer.


The next meeting is scheduled for January 29, 2025. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 pm.

December 4, 2024

6:30 - 7:30 pm

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm followed by an opening prayer.

 Members present were Jason Hunter, Randy Leadbetter, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill.

The board was given some names by Stan (moderator) to approve for this year’s auditors. The board also gave Stan a couple of dates that would be best for them to hold a Joint Session. 

The board discussed the possibility of restoring Junior Church as they wrestled with what to do with the older children that had been attending the nursery.

The board approved Randy to preach on December 29.

Jason and Randy explained to the board their plans for a Christmas Party for seniors on December 19, then told of the plans for Christmas Eve.

In January, the board will lay out plans for 2025. The board will renew a discussion on rebranding the church at their January meeting.

The Elders will not meet the first Wednesday in January since it is a holiday. They plan on meeting the third Wednesday and then before Joint Session, which meeting date is pending.

November 6, 2024

6:30 - 8:20 pm


    The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Randy Leadbetter, chairperson. Randy also led the opening prayer.


    Members present were Jason Hunter, Randy Leadbetter, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, and Mack West. Keith Hastings was not available due to another important commitment.


    a. Youth Director Meeting:


        1. A meeting was scheduled with Beth Weiland, youth director, prior to the business of the Elders. Accompanying Beth was her husband, Derek Weiland. The purpose of the meeting was to receive an update on the youth program (ie. how well the program is functioning, future calendar events, and anything the Elders should know) in order that we can determine how we can assist.


        2. The report by Beth and Derek was very positive. Following the forum kick-off on September 28, at Larry Fulton’s farm, 20-30 youth have participated each Sunday and they are enjoying it. Youth meetings are held on Sundays from 6 – 8 pm in the fellowship hall. Leaders meet at 5 pm, prior to youth sessions.


            (a). Youths helped the whole day during Autumn Leaf Festival where the church doors (bath rooms) were open to the public. Hundreds of people came into the church.


            (b). They manned the glitter tattoo booth where approximately $630 was raised. Also, donations of about $300 were received. The money will be used to support transportation for the Word of Life Camp scheduled for November 15, 2024 in Hershey, PA.


            (c). Other topics of discussion included: How to support funding for the Youth Group (contributions or special offerings); transportation concerns - vehicle, drivers and insurance; ideas on youth service projects; youth band; river trail hike; and, the best way to communicate with the Elders Board, face-to-face or written (face-to-face recommended).


    b. Deploy/Outreach (DO) Committee Meeting: Jason met earlier with Staci Keihl (chairperson) and Deborah Morris (vice-chairperson) of the ‘DO’ Committee. He provided their initial marching orders similar to that which had been given to Beth and Derek.


    c. Ongoing business: 


        1. Jason presented information on the new sermon series, a companion of the 3D Disciple series. It will consist of a walk through the bible (a working knowledge of the whole bible), using a manual similar to the 3D manual. Initial intent was for the series to begin sometime after the first of the new year (maybe spring), and take about 2 years to complete. There was discussion on the time needed to complete a manual.


        2. Jason also provided a family update. His parents’ medical conditions continue to improve.


    d. New business:


        1. The congregation’s volunteer base is limited and problematic, particularly in the nursery. We need 4-5 volunteers to lead/care for our children. We don’t have the required number of member volunteers which raised a question on the use of non-member volunteers. How do we handle this?


        2. Debbie Miles has been asked by her old job to help with their bookkeeping, until they can hire a replacement. In order to support, the board approved a modified work schedule for her at FBCC from 8 am to 3 pm (without a lunch hour), instead of the current schedule of 8 am to 4 pm.


        3. Love in the Name of Christ (LoveINC) is looking for office space to serve as a launch point for the further development of their program, until they are financially able to secure a facility of their own. Jason supports the request and asked for feedback.


        4. Jason requested prayer for Clarion’s Pastors Group.


    Ralph led the closing prayer.    


    The next meeting is scheduled for November 20, 2024.


    The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:20 pm.

October 16, 2024

6:30 - 7:30 pm

    With only three members present (fifty percent), the board did not meet the simple majority requirement for a quorum in accordance with Article VII (Section A, Paragraph 3e) of the constitution. However, the members present decided to hold an unofficial meeting.

    The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Scott Underhill, vice chairperson. Mack West led the opening prayer.

    Members present were Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, and Mack West. Members absent included Keith Hastings, Randon Leadbetter and Ralph Roudybush.

    Ongoing business:

  1. No official agenda could be considered for this meeting and, therefore, no action was taken on any official business. The board did, however, review the minutes of the October 2nd meeting.

  1. Jason provided an update on his parents’ recovery and the impact on his family due to his extended absence.

    New business:  

  1. During Pastors’ Appreciation Day, special recognition of Jarrett for his service could be included considering his pending departure the coming week.

  1. Homecoming (visit) by one of our missionary families - discussion on the best day and time to have a workshop. It was agreed that right after church on Sunday would work best based on past experience.

  1. Visitation of our members who are ill is a matter of concern but difficult to fully address properly without the presence of more members.

  1. A short discussion was held on the logistics of the church’s fellowship lunch scheduled for October 29th.

    The next meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2024.

October 2, 2024

6:30 - 7:30 pm

Elders present: Randy Leadbetter, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, and Mack West..

Jason Hunter was caring for his ill parents in the Carolinas. Jared Furnish’s membership on the Elders Board expired on September 30, 2024.

The Elders had an informal meeting, with no specific agenda; no action was taken on any official business. Rather, they spent less than an hour discussing ideas and upcoming events that will need their attention in the coming month. Included were:

  1. Pastor appreciation day, where Randy will speak on the challenges of a pastor.
  2. Scott will facilitate the next meeting as Randy will not be present.
  3. The concern, visitation and/or phone call to some of our members who are ill.
  4. Homecoming (visit) by one of our missionary families.
  5. Autumn Leaf Festival Craft Day support/participation by FBC.

The next meeting is scheduled for October 16, 2024.

Randy led the closing prayer.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Zoom Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. Following an opening prayer, it was noted that the minutes from the previous meeting were included in the agenda. Jason provided an update on his plans to spend time with his mother, and mentioned that his father’s open-heart surgery has not yet been scheduled as they are waiting for a confirmed date.

Jarrett is scheduled to preach on September 22nd, with Jason returning to preach on September 29th. Randy will deliver the sermon on Pastor Appreciation Day, which is tentatively set for October 20th.

Jarrett informed the board that he and Lu are planning to move to Chambersburg, although no date has been finalized. Jason requested that Jarrett notify the board once a firm date is set, as the elders would like to organize a farewell event for them.

Brianna and Beth have been coordinating plans for the church’s involvement in the Autumn League Festival, and preparations have been made for National Night Out, which has been rescheduled.

The board held elections for the upcoming year by secret ballot, as requested for all boards and committees for the 2024-2025 church year. Randy was elected as chair, Scott as vice chair, and Mack agreed to record the minutes for the next 12 months.

The meeting concluded with a closing prayer that included specific requests for congregational needs. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Elders in Attendance: Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 PM following an opening prayer.


  • The agenda included the minutes from the previous meeting.

Ongoing Business

  • The board voted to accept Jared Furnish's resignation as Youth Director.
  • Time was spent discussing strategies for reaching out to shut-ins, hospitalized individuals, and others who might appreciate a visit.

Committee Reports

  • A review was provided of the meeting of the committee preparing for the annual meeting. This committee included Jason, Ralph, and Randy, along with members from the Board of Deacons as well as the moderator.

New Appointment

  • The board approved the appointment of Beth Weiland as Youth Director at the salary determined by the Board of Deacons (pending approval by the membership at the annual meeting).

Next Meeting

  • The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

After a closing prayer, the meeting was adjourned at 7:32 PM.

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Meeting Minutes

August 11, 2024

11:50 to 12:15 PM

Elders present: Scott Underhill, Ralph Roudybush, Mack West, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders met after church for a short meeting at which time they voted to accept Patty Cyphert as a member of our church.

August 5, 2024

6:00 - 7:30 PM

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Ralph Roudybush, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter

Nominee List Review:

  • The Elders reviewed the list of nominees for the Board of Deacons and the Board of Elders, provided by Moderator Dave Kiehl.
  • It was noted that there will be no candidates for the Board of Elders at this year's annual meeting. Consequently, the current Board of Elders will remain unchanged for the upcoming year.
  • After reviewing the Deacon nominees, the Elders decided that Randy will contact each nominee to confirm their willingness to serve as a Deacon for the upcoming term starting in October.

Membership List Update:

  • The Elders reviewed the complete membership list, making updates to reflect members who have relocated or passed away.
  • For members who have not attended for an extended period, the Elders agreed to reach out to determine if they wish to have their membership formally removed.
  • Once the membership list is finalized, the updated roster will be sent to the church Clerk.

Executive Session:

  • The Elders entered an executive session to discuss a confidential matter.

Church Picnic Update:

  • Jason provided an update on the upcoming church picnic and updated the board on the current status of his mother.

July 16, 2024

5:30 - 6:30 PM

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Ralph Roudybush, Mack West, Keith Hastings, Jarret Furnish and Randy Leadbetter

  1. Approval of Job Description:
  • The elders began the meeting by approving a written job description for the position of Youth Director, set to begin on October 1st, pending further approval.
  • During the discussion of this job description, Jarrett informed the board that he would not consider taking the position. He expressed his desire to step back from all ministries and responsibilities to spend time in reflection to discern God's direction for what is next in his life
  1. Christian Education Committee Changes:
  • The elders gave final approval to a document concerning changes to the Christian Education Committee which includes a new name for the committee with different responsibilities. This document was to be presented during the next hour to the Joint Session.
  • The elders discussed whether to propose amending the Constitution this year or to implement the changes as policy for one year to evaluate their effectiveness and identify any necessary adjustments. The final decision on this matter will be made by the Joint Session.

July 2, 2024

6:30 - 8:40 pm

Via Zoom

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Ralph Roudybush, Mack West, Keith Hastings, and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders reviewed the “Stay At Home Mission Trip.” It was reported that our friends from South Carolina thought it was a beneficial trip for them and the board agreed there were several benefits for our church. It allowed us to take some early steps towards deploying, going outside our church and into our community. 

Jason reported several different grants our church have/will receive from the BRN. He told the board that about 15 youths will be coming from WestMinster Church along with 4 to 5 adults plus a couple of ladies that will do the cooking for them. One of the tasks they will work on is to lay about 1800 sq. ft of laminate flooring that is being donated to our church from the Fiberboard Plant. Some of the group may be taken to the Undercufflers to help them with a project or two.

Jason updated the board on the picnic that is planned for August 18 at the Eagles Pavilion. The focus of the picnic will be on people of the community. Again, we return to the same neighborhoods as previously canvassed to invite them to this picnic.

We discussed the possibility of aligning the CE committees responsibilities with the church’s vision. The Elders plan to discuss rebranding this committee with the Deacons at the next joint session. 

Jason updated the board on how the youth group might be structured beginning in October.

Jason will plan a membership class for our younger attendees would begin in September or October.

The Elders agreed to meet one hour before the Joint Session on July 16 from 5:30-6:30 pm. 

June 19, 2024

9:00 - 10:30 am

Elders present: Scott Underhill, Ralph Roudybush, Mack West, Keith Hastings, and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders met via Zoom to complete the annual evaluations of the Senior Pastor, Assistant Pastor, and the Office Manager. The Board asked Randy to go over the evaluations with each person and then send the overall rating for each to Jim Darr, chair of the Board of Deacons.

June 4, 2024

6:30 - 8:20 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders met with the Mission Committee to explain how the Deacons and Elders are working to find a way to reduce the budget so that the anticipated expenditures match the anticipated receipts. The meeting was very productive. The Mission Committee had done a lot of work on this and wanted to go back and have further committee discussions now that they have a better understanding of the task at hand. 

The Elders will send Scott Underhill, Keith Hastings, and Jason Hunter to the budget committee meeting scheduled for June 12 at 6:30 pm.

The Elders had planned on doing evaluations of the two pastors and office manager but with two Elders absent, the evaluations were postponed until the next meeting.

May 21, 2024

7:00 - 9:35 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish, Ralph Roudybush, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders spent the entire time considering how a revised budget would impact ministry and the support of missions, both locally and internationally. The church is in the process of trying to bring the budget in line with the giving. 

The Elders will ask the mission committee if they would be interested in meeting with the board at their next meeting (June 4).

May 7, 2024

6:00 - 7:00 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders met for an hour before the Joint Session.

The Elders approved for Jason to be away on May 26 and June 2. Scott will preach on the 26th then Jarrett on June 2.

The Elders discussed the annual church picnic. Jason will have Derek check to see if fireworks are permitted in the County Park.

April 16, 2024

6:30 - 9:10 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders met with Stacy Mahle and Sadie Mahle, both who were requesting membership. After an approximate 30 minute discussion ended, the Elders voted to accept both as members. 

The board next met with Colton Keihl regarding his planned mission trip next year. It is called “Gap Year Mission Trip” which would take him to Nicaragua, South Asia, Nepal, and Eswatini. The Elders will ask the Mission Committee to meet with Colton and determine if the church can and should support him in some way. Colton must raise $17,000 in support, which would include money he is able to save by the end of August.

The Elders had a discussion on the merits of promotion Sunday in light of the low number of students that attend Sunday School and the pros and cons of this program. The Elders decided to have the promotions done in the classrooms and that the tradition of giving a Bible to students going into third continue.

Jason updated the board on the most current plans for the “Stay at Home Mission Trip” and “Jam in the Park.” There is an informational meeting scheduled.

The board was updated on two confidential meetings. 

The board asked Randy to contact the moderator to see if we might be able to have a Joint Session on May 7. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss future ministry goals and resources required to meet these goals.

Jarrett discussed the upcoming rummage sale to raise money for summer camp.

The board scheduled evaluations of the pastors and office manager for May 21.

April 2, 2024

6:30 - 8:00 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders spent this entire meeting in Executive Session (confidential).

March 19, 2024

6:30 - 8:40 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings, Mack West, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders had a working session where they discussed two items and worked on two items”

  1. Membership
  2. How the budget aligns with vision of the church

March 5, 2024

7:30 - 8:45 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings, Mack West, Ralph Roudybush and Randy Leadbetter

The hour before, the Elders met with the Deacons in Joint Session.

Jason suggested we let the congregation vote on the installation of two showers following an information/questioning meeting. The Elders agreed. Jason will contact Dave.

The Elders went into executive session to discuss two separate confidential matters.

The board will next meet March 19 at 6:30 pm via Zoom.

February 20, 2024

6:30 - 8:40 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill, Mack West, Ralph Roudybush and Randy Leadbetter

After opening in prayer, the Elders began a discussion on VBS and the impact of the potential partnership with Shady Grove Baptist Church, in Belton, SC.

At 7 pm, Beth Weiland and Coni Kifer joined the meeting representing the Christian Education Committee. The group discussed many things related to VBS such as: a director, the purpose, should we change the ages, should we involve parents, should we run it 5 days or fewer, etc. Beth and Coni will have a discussion with their committee, try to gather some anecdotal data from stakeholders, and they will contact Brenda for her input. 

After Beth and Coni left, the board further explored the partnership with Shady Grove Baptist Church, Beton, SC. The target date would be June 9-15. Jason will get more information on what might be done that week. It may include a vision tour (what can we do in this area and extended areas). What other opportunities might there be? They have offered to help in a building project. Randy will contact the moderator to see if we might be able to have a Joint Session on March 5 to discuss the partnership and the building project.

The Elders went into executive session for about 20 minutes to discuss a confidential matter.

Jason reported that the Good Friday Community Service will be held at our church. He also reported that Tenebrae registrations will begin this week and that he will start announcing it.

Each Elder is encouraged to get the Google Sheets app on their device. There may be a tablet available (upstairs) to take attendance.

Jason and Jarret gave the board an update on current ministry activities.

The Elders listed some people for whom they each would be praying.

The board will next meet after Joint Session on March 5

February 6, 2024

6:30 - 8:10 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter

After opening in prayer, the Elders began the meeting by reviewing the Joint Session held near the end of last month. 

The board reviewed the attendance sheet and will make plans in the near future to contact families that have been absent from worship service for several weeks.

The Elders discussed the role of the senior pastor (and the Board of Elders) in guiding and helping the church to reach the vision and goals that have been laid out.

Jason gave some introductory information on possibly forming a partnership with Shady Grove Baptist Church, in Belton, SC. At a BRN meeting, Jason became aware of this church and their plans of doing missionary work in rural Pennsylvania. They would like to consider using our church as a launching pad to reach unchurched people north of I-80. Perhaps our church would consider putting in a couple of showers which the Shady Grove church could help install. This church would like to help with other ministries like Vacation Bible School (or a mode of VBS). The board was interested in hearing more so Jason will continue to be in conversation with all stakeholders.

Jarrett updated the board on the youth group and his other ministries.

Jason updated the board on the progress and some potential problems with summer camp registration.

The board listed several people that the board would commit to prayer.

January 16, 2024

6:00 - 7:00 pm

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders had a short but productive meeting for one hour before meeting with the deacons in Joint Session. The time was spent finalizing a couple of items that the board wanted to bring to the Joint Session: 1) membership for youth 2) plans for Tenebrae

January 2, 2024

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter

Both Mack and Jason were down south, the board met through Zoom.

The Elders had an informal meeting, with no agenda, and they didn't take action on any official business. Rather, they spent an hour or so discussing upcoming topics and ideas that will need their attention in 2024. The board continued to discuss ways to involve young people in the life of the church. Jarrett gave a report on the youth and suggested some things that we could pray for the youth. 

We talked about two or three people that we knew who needed our immediate prayers. Additionally, the board discussed some missionary related items. 

The Elders will next meet an hour before the joint session on Tuesday, January 16.

December 19, 2023

Elders present: Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

The board began the meeting in executive session to discuss confidential matters.

The board was informed that Colton Keihl is planning on going out on a 9 month mission trip with World Race beginning this summer. The board decided they would continue to follow his plans and needs to make this opportunity happen. Jason will meet with him and will arrange for the Mission Committee to meet with Colton so that brainstorming could begin as to ways the church might encourage and help him in raising support.

The board spent considerable time discussing the first 3-4 chapters of the book The Great Evangelical Recession.

Jason and Jarrett gave reports.

The Elders closed in prayer for some specific needs as well as for the Lord’s help and direction for our church.

December 5, 2023

Jason reported that he ordered the offering boxes. They should be here any day. We had planned on discussing this in Joint Session but there was a misunderstanding. Jason thought he was to go ahead with the ordering of the boxes.

Jason reported that there is much good work and creative thinking going on within the church. He highlighted some of the initiatives by the Trustees that includes their addressing safety and security measures. Jason had previously asked them to consider ways to advance our vision of becoming involved and being a blessing to our community. The AA is now meeting here and Next Step is using our facilities for classes. 

Jason met with Trent and they have worked on a preliminary plan to have a joint Tenebrae (Maundy Thursday). We will discuss this in Joint Session in January. A preliminary outline of this plan is at the end of this document.

The Elders would like to increase the involvement of younger people in our church. Jason has younger people participating in the advent readings and candle lighting. The Elders will try to get some people in their teens and 20’s to help with the weekly reading of the Scripture. Kayte has agreed to help with worship service attendance. The Elders had a lengthy discussion of the pros and cons of conducting a membership for young people. 

Here are some of the results of that brainstorming session:

Pros for teens to become members

  • Would place them under our care. 
  • Give them a feeling of belonging
  • Since this is an influential time in their lives, it might strengthen their connection with the church, with ministry, and with the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe if one is born again, they have the Spirit to lead them. It would gives us (and them) to practice what we believe.
  • Would teach them the responsibilities and expectations of being a believer which might have a life-long positive effect on them.

Cons for teens to become members

  • How problematic is lack of maturity?
  • Making adult decisions such as fiscal, grounds and buildings, members of boards, committees and offices

This discussion led the Elders into a discussion on membership, in general begging the question, ‘why be a member?’ These discussions will continue in future meetings.

The Elders went into executive session to advise Jason on a confidential matter in which he may need to provide Biblical counsel.

The board reviewed the preaching schedule for the time that Jason is away. Jason reported that he is very concerned about his mother. He told the board that has asked Jarrett and Randy to each have a sermon already prepared in case he needs to leave town suddenly. The board told Jason that not only did they approve of him taking time to assist and be with mother if/when it is needed, but they insisted that he do that.

The board was reminded to be ready to discuss the first two chapters of the book at the next meeting. The elders were asked to bring their calendars to the next meeting to see if modifications are required for the January meetings.

The next Elders Meeting is scheduled for December 19 at 6:30 pm at the church.

Vision for Tenebrae

1- Do something unique to bring new life and excitement

(goes along with shifts we are trying to make in relaunch)

2- Collaboration - continue building stronger relationships with other Disciples in the community, especially with those whom we closely align in theology and practice

3- To reach out to the community (public/lost) especially during the Easter


1- Contract with Piercing Word to do a performance on March 28, 2024

2- Zion Host seating capacity approx. 250

3- Ticket needed to attend = Available to Congregation first (they can get for friends and family at this time) - Public after designated period (10 days)

Tickets registration 1 = February 28 - March 6

Tickets registration = March 7 - March 21 (until)

4- Menu Lasagna / Salad / Bread Sticks / Veg? / Dessert

To lower food cost ask volunteers to make 9X12 pans of Lasagna and/or Desserts

5- Dinner service begins at 6:30 …. Performance 7:15 communion at end

6- Cost - - 

Loving Offering =

Stipend =

November 21, 2023

Elders Present:

Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, Mack West and Randy Leadbetter.

The board approved a motion to advance the idea of bringing in Piercing Word to perform for Tenebrae. Jason will explore the idea of combining the service with Zion. The Elders will ask Dave to call for a Joint Session early in January to discuss a variety of options of how to fund the cost should the church move ahead with booking Piercing Word. See https://piercingword.org/

Jason was asked for church support for a particular mission opportunity and whether the request should be sent on to the Mission Committee. He sought advice from the Elders.

The Elders agreed with the Keystone Family Alliance statement of faith and gave consent to signing the partnership agreement with them.

The Elders approved a motion to keep the mode of collecting the weekly tithes and offerings. The Elders will approach the Joint Session about purchasing 2 offering boxes, one for each end of the sanctuary. The rationale will be discussed at that time. Also, the Elders will recommend that 2 boxes for the Fellowship Fund be purchased as well. 

The Elders went into executive session for a confidential discussion.

The Elders were approached about a question regarding the church dinners. It was said that the Elders prohibited asking people to bring side dishes. To clarify, the Elders had no such suggestion.

Both the Assistant Pastor and Senior Pastor gave a short report to the board.

The Elders discussed the tracking of attendance.

There was no time to discuss the book The Great Evangelical Recession by John S. Dickerson. The board agreed to be prepared to discuss the first two chapters at the second meeting in December.

The next Elders Meeting is scheduled for December 5 at 6:30 pm (via Zoom).

November 7, 2023

Elders Present:

Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, and Mack West.

The Elders began the meeting in executive session to discuss a confidential matter.

The Elders set/reviewed the preaching schedule: Keith Hastings will preach December 24 and December 31. Jarrett will preach November 26 and he will lead the Christmas Eve service.

The Elders are reading the book The Great Evangelical Recession by John S. Dickerson. The board agreed to be prepared to discuss the first two chapters at the next session.

The board gave approval for Jarrett to be away November 19.

Jarrett reported that there were 21 kids at the youth group this past week and that they are average around 18 as the group is growing in numbers. There is a couple from Zion that are interested in volunteering to help Jarrett.

Jason asked the Board to consider having Piercing Word to come for Tenebrae next spring. The board will review their website (https://piercingword.org/) where they describe their presentation as “Connecting People to God Through Live Scripture Performances.” There is a cost. Perhaps we might consider asking Zion to join together.

Jason was asked by an individual if we might want to consider supporting ADANTU. The Elders agreed to research and to give consideration.

Jason updated the board on his mother’s illness. She cannot continue with radiation and will go on a cancer pill. 

The next Elders Meeting is scheduled for November 21 at 6:30 pm

August 8, 2023

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter. 

The Elders met from 6:30 to 8:45 pm 

The board began the meeting by immediately going into executive session for confidential discussion on two separate matters. 

The board screened the candidates for the Board of Deacons and Board of Elders as provided by Joint Session. The Elders will send the following four candidates to the congregation for a vote at the annual meeting: Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill, Keith Hastings and Mack West. Don Dininny has decided he will not stand for another term as Elder as this time. The board will have letters sent out in the next day or so to candidates for the Board of Deacons so that they can consider if it be God’s will that they serve this on this board for a term beginning October 1.

The board was informed that the Mission Committee has some money left in their discretionary line item that they plan on giving the Millers to help them with the purchase of the car that they will soon need. This will be presented to them on Sunday before they return to the Middle East. Jason asked the Elders if we might take a love offering for anyone who wants to help the Millers with this car purchase. The Elders thought this to be a good idea but suggested that Jason check with the moderator to be sure there would be no issue with such an offering.

The Elders heard from Jarrett about an idea of slightly restructuring the Junior High and Senior High Sunday School classes. The Elders gave their approval but encouraged Jarrett to get the Christian Education Committee’s support before moving forward.

Jason will be away September 17 (mission trip) and September 24 (week’s vacation). Randy will preach on those two Sundays.

Jason reported that Colton Keihl, Jim Darr, and Karen Peterson have requested baptism. It will take place at the beginning of the church picnic in Larry’s Lake.

The Elders moved their September 5 meeting to August 29.

June 17, 2023

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter.

The Elders met from 5:00 to 6:30 then after Joint Session their meeting resumed until 8:30 pm

The board read a letter from Lu Furnish. Lu has a close friend in Zambia who is helping and ministering to a lady who needs her roof repaired. Lu was wondering if our church might be able to help out. She wasn’t certain but guessed the cost might be in the neighborhood of $700. Lu’s friend is an accountant and very credible and would handle any financial help we might give. After discussing this request, the Elders agreed that if our church was able, we should consider helping. The Elders took the request down to Joint Session and they agreed. The Board of Deacons will discuss this further and will determine whether to use the fellowship fund or to find another source.

Jason said the students that went to Word of Life camp were excited about going back next year. Jason would like to see them begin raising the money to go back and wondered if the Elders would support that idea. The board did. Jason will approach the Trustees to make sure the fellowship hall is available for ALF Friday and/or Saturday.

Jason read a list of names that Charlene has solicited to teach Sunday School this fall.

The Mission Committee has, for the most part, finished writing their budget for next year. They wanted to make a last minute addition and asked if they had the Elders’ support for that addition as well as some changes they are planning to present to the membership at the Annual Meeting. After a discussion, the Elders agreed to support those proposed changes.

The Elders spent much time discussing 3 confidential matters.

June 6, 2023

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter. 

Jason reported that our church was awarded 3 separate grants from the BRN:

  • $1500 for a bus to and from The Word of Life Camp in the Adirondacks
  • $1500 for Clarion Police Night
  • $1200 for Vacation Bible School

Jason and Jarrett updated the board on ministry they have been doing in addition to their regular duties.

The majority of the meeting was spent in executive session (confidential matters)

May 2, 2023

6:30 - 7:30 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter. (Keith Hastings checked in for a few minutes from Texas)

The Elders prayed for wisdom as the meeting opened.

The Elders approved Jason to be away from the pulpit on the following dates, some for vacation, others for schooling, and one for filling the pulpit at Zion. Jason will schedule the preaching assignments for these dates.

June 11, June, 18, July 2, July 9, July 16

The Elders set the teaching rotation for the adult Sunday class for the summer quarter. The following will share the duties: Tim, Ralph, Mack, and Keith. Don will fill in if/when needed. 

It seems obvious that the new TV is going to work way better than the old projector. It is much clearer and the volume from the TV is quite adequate. The seating for Sunday School will be rearranged. A new laptop computer is going to be needed in the near future.

The Elders will meet without Jarrett and Jason on Monday May 15 to complete the annual evaluations of the two pastors.

Jarrett and Jason each gave ministry reports

Jason prayed to close the meeting.

April 18, 2023

The Elders met without Pastor Jason and Pastor Jarrett

The purpose of this meeting was to complete the annual evaluations for Debbie, Jason, and Jarrett. After completing the evaluations a copy was sent to each of the three. Additionally, the Elders let the Deacons know that each of the three were rated satisfactory and commended for their work/ministry.

February 21, 2023

6:30 - 8:00 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter.

There was no agenda for tonight as this was a working session.

The meeting began with the Elders praying for Bridgette and her family and then for Joan, Martha, Briana and others in our congregation facing medical concerns.

Louise Ferringer will need transportation to visit her daughter in Pittsburgh who has a serious medical problem and will be in ICU at Presby. Jason will contact the Deacons to see if there might be help from the transportation ministry team

Jarrett reported that the youth group has been getting up to 13 kids. He also reported that about a dozen students are interested in the baptism class which will begin the first Sunday in March.

Jason reported that he'll be in Harrisburg on Friday and then he will be in North Carolina March 4 to the 10th. Jarrett will preach on March 5.

The Elders spent some time discussing two confidential matters

Plans are being made for camps this summer. 

Jarrett reported that the Christian Ed Committee has set VBS for July 10 to the 14th

Next Meeting is Tuesday February 21 at 6:30 pm via Zoom

February 7, 2023

6:30 - 8:25 pm

Elders present: Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter.

After opening prayer, the Elders discussed the spring fellowship meal. The normal Sunday to have it would coincide with Palm Sunday and the question was whether or not that was too much in a short period of time. The board decided to go with whatever Ivan and Charlene would prefer since they organize the work of the meal preparations. 

Jarrett has a number of students ready for the baptism class which will begin in the next few weeks.

The Elders had a discussion on fund raising in the church and they considered whether or not there would be a spiritual (biblical) problem with the church promoting chinese auctions, raffle sales, rummage sales, and or certain types of games of chance to raise money for programs and ministries within the church. That led to the question should the church raise money from non-believers to promote the cause of Christ. No decision was reached and the talks were tabled to give the Elders time to study the Bible and to research related evangelical writings rather than to reach a conclusion based on tradition.

Jason has reported that (through Zion) an individual has felt led to pay for any junior high/senior high student who would like to attend Word of Life Camp in the Adirondack Mountains of New York this coming summer. The cost of approximately $400 for each camper would be covered.

The Board approved Jason to preach for Trent at Zion on July 16.

The Board gave approval for Jarrett to preach for Jason on March 5.

Jason updated the board on the progress of Phase 3 including the finishing of the stage area and the completion of the manuals.

The board agreed to have other men and women read the Scripture in the near future during the worship service.

Both Jarrett and Jason gave the board an update regarding their ministries.

Next Meeting is Tuesday February 21 at 6:30 pm via Zoom

January 3, 2022

6:30 - 8:15 pm

Elders present: Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter.

Briana Underhill was also at the meeting via Zoom.

The entirety of this meeting was spent conducting a final review of a booklet designed and developed by Jason and Briana. The title of the booklet is A Believer’s Manual To Following Jesus. Jason and Briana have spent hours getting this document to the current status of ready for review. The intent is for the booklets to be provided to everyone who attends our church and will be used regularly over the next several months, if not years. Use of them will be encouraged in worship service, Sunday School, and small group meetings.

There was some discussion whether or not to add or move a section or two, but for the most part, the Elders were happy with this near finished product. Briana gave the Elders quotes from the printers for the cost of printing and binding the booklets. She reasoned that it would be more feasible to have the printers print the booklets but for us to bind them ourselves. That will require the purchase of a binding machine and binders. This path would be less expensive and we would end up with a binding machine for the future. The total cost would be $1500 or less. 

The Elders voted to adopt the booklets as the manual we will use for Phase 3 of our future vision for the church. Randy will contact the Deacons in hopes that they can determine a line item for this expense or perhaps to use the Memorial Fund. The Elders thanked Briana for her considerable time and effort on this project realizing there is much more to do.

A link to the most updated draft of the booklet can be found here:

A Believer’s Manual To Following Jesus

The Elders will meet with the Trustees on Sunday January 8 and will attend Joint Session on January 9.

December 6, 2022

6:30 - 8:35 pm

Elders present: Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter.

The Elders reviewed the minutes by the other board and committees as well as a report from the Sunday School Superintendent.


Without objection, the Elders approved Jarrett to preach on January 1. They also approved for him to be able to leave town for a few days during the Christmas season.

Jason is targeting the second half of January for the official launch of phase 3. He presented the table of contents for a booklet that each attendee will receive. The Elders reviewed the table of content and expressed their strong support, urging Jason to continue work on it. The next step is to get a price for publishing the booklet. Jason will share the contents of the booklet as it is being developed and edited over the next several days. It was noted that Briana is putting a lot of work into this project.

Randy will talk to Marlene to see if the trustees (and a representative from the Deacons) would be willing to meet with the Elders in January. The Elders would like to share their thoughts on how building and grounds would fit into the phase 3 vision.

The Elders are planning on Randy (or another Elder) to teach a baptism class for younger attendees. Jason has talked with some parents who said they have children who wish to explore baptism. Jason and Randy will meet after the first of the year to work on the scope and sequence of this course.

Keith will teach the adult Sunday School classes each Sunday in the month of January 2023.

Both Jarrett and Jason gave their pastor’s report.

The next Elder Meeting is scheduled for January 3, 2022 at 6:30 (at the church).

This meeting will be exclusively for reviewing and finalizing the phase 3 kickoff.

November 1, 2022

6:30 - 7:50 pm

Elders present: Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, and Randy Leadbetter.

The Elders started the meeting by reviewing Missionary Sunday. The consensus was that it was a very beneficial experience in both Sunday School and worship service. The Elders were surprised and happy that the church’s love offering totaled over $700. Thanks to the mission committee for organizing the event and to the Coopers for hosting them.

The Elders began discussing phase 3 and 4 of the moving ahead vision.

Jason gave the elders an opportunity to make suggestions for the content of the Christmas Eve Service.

The Elders approved a letter that would be sent out to non-active members to see if they still wanted to maintain membership.

The Elders began a discussion (to be continued) of how to track attendance. Many people do no sign the pew pad any longer.

The Elders voted to join the Orphan Care Alliance. 

Jarrett updated the board on the youth and told us about trunk-or-treat.

Jason updated the board on pastoral related items of the recents weeks.

The next Elder Meeting is scheduled for November 15, 2022 at 6:30 pm via zoom.

October 18, 2022

6:30 - 8:40 pm

Elders present: Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, and Randy Leadbetter.

The Elders met with Melanie Lahr. After a half-hour discussion, the Elders voted to accept Melanie as a member of the church. She will be given the right hand of fellowship during a worship service in the near future.

The Elders went over the minutes from the committees.

The Elders are drafting a letter to be sent to those who no longer attend, most of whom have moved away. The elders will review this letter at the next meeting before sending it out..

The board had a discussion on baptizing younger attendees and made some preliminary plans to have a class prior to baptism. Jason will follow up by talking to parents to see who may be interested.  

Jarrett gave the board an update of the status of the youth group.

The Elders considered whether it would be appropriate for the church to hold some kind of rallying event for Bridgette and gave Jason permission to further look into this. 

Jason reported that he has been counseling some people and updated the board on other matters that are on his radar. 

September 20, 2022

6:30 - 8:35 pm

Elders present: Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Don Dinniny and Randy Leadbetter.

After opening in prayer, the Elders discussed the recent business meetings and then thanked God that the meetings went smoothly and that the votes indicated a strong majority. The Elders were also very thankful for the work of the Moderator in preparing for these meetings and for conducting them in a very effective manner. The Elders were thankful for the hard work that Debbie had done to prepare the annual report.

The Elders read the minutes from the Mission Committee and noted all the good things going on in missions which includes plans for an IMB Missionary to come in October.

The Elders made plans to visit and pray for the Beinhaurs on September 25.

Jason reported that we are likely to have a “Right Hand of Fellowship” ceremony during a worship service near the end of October.

The Elders voted to hold worship service on Christmas Day this year but no Sunday School.

The board discussed two confidential matters.

After the Assistant Pastor and Senior Pastor reports, the board prayed for Bridgette and then for Don and Esther.

August 23, 2022

6:30 - 8:05 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, and Randy Leadbetter.

We spent a large portion of the meeting in a discussion with a potential nominee for Elder. The purpose of the meeting was to help the nominee understand the board and what is required of each member. Questions were directed both ways, that is to and from the nominee. It was a good, beneficial talk and helped the board to determine the heart and qualifications of the possible candidate; and, he expressed that the meeting will be helpful to him as he makes his decision whether or not to stand for election to this board. We prayed that God would make His Will clear.

The board reviewed the most recent informational meeting that addressed the proposed renovations and the cost to repair the organ and piano.

The Elders discussed a question they have received from multiple members regarding absentee voting. Some of our members have said they want to vote but they will be away during the meeting. Others cannot attend due to medical conditions. The Elders cannot make this decision alone and will ask the moderator to call for a Joint Session as soon as possible to address the matter.

The Elders discussed the annual report which must be drafted and submitted soon.

The Elders scheduled their next meeting for Tuesday September 13 a1t 6:30 pm.

August 9, 2022

6:30 - 8:47 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Don Dininny, Jarrett Furnish, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

We opened the meeting by reading some scripture and praying that we would delight in the Lord and we asked HIm to guide our steps. 

The board met with Derek and Beth Weiland and their daughter Bindi. Derek and Beth were meeting to discuss membership. We had a good talk for almost an hour then the Elders dismissed them for a few minutes to discuss their request. Next, the board voted to accept both Derek and Beth as members and welcomed them to the church membership. Plans will be made by Jason to have the Right Hand of Fellowship ceremony in a future, but not too distant, worship services.

The Elders received an email from the Moderator with the list of nominations for Elders, Deacons, and Moderator for the 2022-2023 church year. The next step in the process is for the Elders to send out letters to the nominees asking that they screen themselves and discern if God is calling them to stand for the office. 

The Elders approved Jason to be away Sunday October 2 and Sunday October 9.

The board discussed the plans for Jason’s presentation on Sunday October 14 in the sanctuary during the Sunday School hour. The presentation is regarding status of the church, visions for the future, and structural changes if approved

The Elders scheduled their next meeting for Tuesday August 23 at 6:30 pm

Elders Meeting Minutes July 19, 2020

6:30 - 8:40 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Don Dininny, Scott Underhill, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

After opening the meeting and asking God for wisdom and guidance and after praying for the Deacons and the other committees, the Elders discussed the following:

The Elders have received some questions/suggestions in regard to this coming fall’s Annual Meeting. However, it is the Joint Session that sets the logistics of that meeting. Joint Session has already scheduled the meeting for September 25. The Elders voted to recommend to the Joint Session that the meeting be held right after church with no meal. Furthermore, the board would suggest that we do as we have in the past several years, providing the annual report to each member at least 7 days before the meeting. Questions or clarifications or suggestions could be sent to the moderator (or office) ahead of the meeting or be asked at the meeting.

In addition, the Elders will recommend to the Joint Session that the presentation on church vision and renovations of the stage be presented during the Sunday School hour on August 14 in the sanctuary. If it is determined at the conclusion of this meeting that more time is required, then another meeting can be scheduled.

The Elders completed the evaluation of the Office Manager. They sent a memo to the deacons. Jason (and/or Randy) will go over the evaluation with Debbie before it is placed in her file.

The Elders discussed the nomination process for Elders, Deacons, and Moderator that will take place at the July 25 Joint Session and are prepared to make suggestions regarding the process.

The Elders discussed the possibility of ordination for Jarrett. Should he decide to request ordination, the Elders have adopted the same process that was used for the ordination of Randy.

Jason reported that the picnic committee has set the church picnic for Saturday August 27 at Larry Fulton’s. The following is the proposed schedule: 4-6 pm games and fishing, eat from 6-7 pm, movie from 7 to 9 pm. The picnic committee consists of Pastor Jason, Patty Cyphert, Karen Peterson, Bridgette Beinhaur, and Larry Fulton.

The Elders thanked God for Brenda’s work as coordinator of VBS as well as those who helped with VBS.

The board set their next meeting at 5:45 to 6:30 pm July 25, right before the Joint Session.

Minutes for Elder Meeting May 10, 2022

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter

Jason reported that if families have a desire to have a funeral streamed, we are able to accommodate them. To help this run smoothly, Briana has created a document to assist our technicians when doing a funeral. Weddings can also be streamed.

The Elders approved Cliff Jenkins to preach on June 19. This is both Father’s Day and Juneteenth.

Jason reported on donations received for Kid’s Camp.

The Elders discussed the lack of interest in Nursery Coordinator. The Elders will need to address this at the next meeting.

Jason reported that his Pastor’s Luncheon for May 21 has been organized and is ready to go. This will be a luncheon for the Pastors and some of the Elders to meet and have a meal with relatively new people to the church.

The Elders plan to work on the evaluations of the pastors during the meeting of May 24.

Both Jarrett and Jason updated the board on their ministry activities.

The next meeting is set for May 24 and is primarily dedicated to evaluations.

Minutes for Elder Meeting April 12, 2022

6:30 pm to 8:40 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders spent time reviewing the Joint Session of March 22. Jason reported that the appointed committee has been busy obtaining quotes and gathering details pertaining to the renovation of the stage.

The Elders had a discussion about a proposal to have a team of singers helping Scott and Elaine in the leading of worship on Sundays. The board reacted favorably to this proposal and would like to hear more about this idea.

The Elders began to discuss the idea of making the phrase: Developing, Displaying, Deploying

Disciples the mission statement of the church. The Elders plan on spending the bulk of the April 26th meeting working on the vision and roadmap for the course of our church.

The board was reminded that they need to plan on completing pastor evaluations by the end of May.

Jason and Jarrett gave reports on their ministries.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 26 at 6:30 pm.

March 8, 2022

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders spent time discussing and finalizing their plans to move forward with phase 2 that deals with renovations to the stage. The board reviewed a presentation that they will present to Joint Session on March 22.

The Elders addressed two problems that have been occurring during the worship service. The first pertains to the projection of a different Bible version than the one Jason is reading during his sermons. Jason reported that he and Briana had a discussion earlier in the day and that they believe the problem will be resolved. To make it less confusing for those running the technology upstairs, the Elders agreed that all scripture readings will be from the ESV (English Standard Version). The second item was the projection of the lyrics to the hymns and praise songs during worship. The issue is that often the transition to the next screen lags in such a manner that it makes the flow of the singing difficult. Briana plans on addressing this with the people advancing the slides so that the next screen of lyrics will appear in a more timely manner.

 The Elders had a discussion on the purpose of the church and what they believe the Bible teaches about the critical components of disciple making

The Elders approved Jason's request to pursue an EDD (Doctorate of Education) with a specialization in Discipleship and Mentoring. This most likely would cause him to be away one Sunday per quarter for the duration of the program.

Jarrett and Jason gave pastoral reports and updated the board on their ministry plans for the near future.

February 22, 2022

6:30 pm to 8:45 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders approved Tenebrae for April 14 from 6 to 8 pm. The Elders also approved continuing with the Tenebrae meal that was practiced prior to the pandemic. Jason will plan the evening working under the assumption that we will provide an opportunity for the service part (about 7 pm) to be viewed online. This is pending the working out of all details.

The Elders discussed how to move forward with the consideration of Phase 2 of the renovation project which primarily deals with remodeling the stage area. The Elders will ask the Moderator to call for a Joint Session to further consider these renovations. If the Joint Sessions approves moving forward, the Elders will suggest we next bring into the conversation the trustees, worship team, and technology coordinator for their input. The board is determined that every member will eventually have an opportunity for input and to have any concerns addressed before the final approval is made at a business meeting of all members.

The Elders had a discussion regarding the possibility of Pastor Jason continuing his formal education. Pros and cons were discussed but a decision was tabled until the next meeting to give each board member a chance to pray about the request.

The Elders reviewed several documents that Jason had prepared regarding the purpose, mission, and vision mapping of our church. Much more time will be required to complete this discussion before approving direction for the church and then asking for a buy-in by the congregation. The Elders believe that without making changes and taking some risks, the church will eventually experience difficulty in surviving.  

Jarrett gave a report to the Elders on his activity. The Elders are in the process of discussing whether or not to recommend that Jarrett become ordained in the near future.

Jason gave a report on the ministries that he is currently involved with. He has re-started the Thursday Morning Bible Study, however, it is now held on Tuesday mornings.

The Elders have changed the dates of their meetings to the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. That means the next Elder meeting will be March 8 at 6:30 pm.

January 11, 2022 (6:30 pm to 8:35 pm)

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders spent time discussing a vision for the church for the year 2022 and beyond. This discussion will continue in two weeks. Jason reported that he will be focusing on discipleship in his sermons for the near future.

The board examined rationale, drawings, and photos from other churches as part of the consideration of renovations to the front of the sanctuary. This ties in with the vision process.

Jason and Jarrett reported that Grace Community Church pulled out of the tri-church youth group collaboration. There was a discussion centered on this report. Jarrett said that there were about 14 that attended the last meeting. That was without Grace students in attendance.

Jason and Jarrett are planning to go away for a few days for a retreat to plan and pray the week of January 17th. They will be staying at Seneca Hills.

The Elders will meet again in two weeks for an hour, January 25 at 6:30 pm.

ELDERS MEETING MINUTES - December 14, 2021

6:30PM to 8:10PM

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

Ralph updated the board on a conversation he had with a couple in the church. The nature of this discussion is confidential.

The board reviewed the reading of Scripture in the worship service and made an adjustment to the teaching schedule in adult Sunday Sunday School.

Comments on the Seniors Christmas dinner put on by Ivan and Charlene were very positive.

A general discussion was held relating to phase 2 of the upgrades, including the stage area. Some of the discussion involved the repairing/replacing of the piano. Jason will bring a rationale statement with some sample photos or drawings to the next meeting. The Elders will work toward a decision of whether or not they believe these renovations will enhance our worship enough to warrant the cost including the worship of those attending online. Should the Elders still believe we should move forward, other stakeholders will enter into the conversation, ie. Deacons, musicians, trustees.

Jason and Jarret each gave a pastor's report. 

The board approved Jason’s absence on Sunday December 26. Jarrett will preach that Sunday.

The next Elder meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 11 at 6:30 pm


6:30 PM to 8:30 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders met with attorney Jack Troese who updated the Elders on the church’s need to reapply for state sales tax exemption by updating our Articles of Incorporation. We needed to submit to Harrisburg a dissolution statement that amends our Articles of Incorporation. After the discussion, the Elders read the document that Mr. Troese prepared, then voted to approve the filing of this document. Mr. Troese will file that document tomorrow (November 10, 2021). To see the contents of the document, go to the end of these minutes.

The Elders reviewed plans for the reading of the Scripture in Worship Service.

The Elders made note of all the various ministries/programs that were currently offered in the church.

The Elders approved a motion to ask the deacons to support fellowship dinners to be held once per quarter for the church as well as the online campus. The Elders are requesting the Deacons support this ministry both logistically and financially.

Jason and Jarrett updated the Elders on their current activity.

The Elders prayed for some members of the congregation

The next Elder Meeting is scheduled for December 14 at 6:30 pm






Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more

exempt purposes under section 501(c)(3) or to another qualified 501(c)(3) entity within

the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding

section of any future Federal tax code. Any assets not so disposed shall be disposed of

by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the

corporation is located. Disposal shall be made exclusively for exempt or public purposes

or be made to such organization or organizations as the court shall determine to be

organized exclusively for such purposes. No assets or surplus funds shall be

distributed or inure to a private entity or its members for their own personal benefit or for

any purpose that is not purely public charity.


6:30 pm to 8:15 pm

  • Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, and Randy Leadbetter
  • The Elders looked at committee reports and dealt with some concerns/questions they had. 
  • The board was given a status report on the progress of the balcony renovations and technology upgrades.
  • The board was informed that Jason has been elected as one of two vice presidents of the BRN (our state convention).
  • The Elders agreed to share in the public Bible reading during worship service each week.
  • The board discussed a question concerning membership
  • The board approved the founding of a men’s ministry on Tuesday evenings led by Bill English.
  • The Elders prayed for specific needs of individuals in our congregation.
  • The next Elder meeting is scheduled for November 9, 6:30 pm via Zoom.

ELDERS MEETING MINUTES - september 14, 2021

6:30 am to 8:30 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Jarrett Furnish, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders had sent out a letter to candidates for deacons and elders who had been nominated and screened. The Board was informed of how each person responded to the question “are you willing to serve?” after they had completed a self-screening process. For the people that gave an affirmative response, their names were sent on to Debbie so she would be able to put them on the ballot for the annual meeting.

The Elders decided Randy will preach for Jason on November 21 and November 28. Jason will be down south on those two dates. Part of that trip is for him to officiate a wedding of a person who used to attend our church. The rest of the time is vacation as he will spend Thanksgiving with his family.

The Elder’s discussed the attendance of the worship service.

Randy will provide the Elders with an updated schedule of teachers for Adult Sunday School.

The Elders discussed a request made by CCO to have office space in our church. The Elders thought it was a good ministry that we ought to support if able. The board will let the Trustees know that we would support this should they approve CCO’s request.

The Elders examined the budget proposals for the CE’s line items as well as the Mission Committee’s line items. The board supported both budgets.

The Elders finished the meeting by discussing a couple of theological questions.


6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders gave Briana final approval to put the Christian Education Committee-Child Safety Policy 2021 on our website. 

The Elders gave approval for Briana to put the following statement on our website describing our current COVID-19 policy:

FBC Clarion does not have specific Covid-19 procedures in place at this time. We are monitoring the situation and following PA guidelines as needed.

The Elders received a list of nominations from the Joint Session for deacons, elders, and moderator. 

The remainder of the evening was utilized to discuss each nominee in terms of their qualifications to serve on these respective boards or offices. Each person that was passed through the screening process will be contacted to self-evaluate and to decide if they are willing to serve. 

The meeting was closed in prayer.


6:30pm to 8:30 pm via zoom

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter (from North Carolina), Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

After reviewing the minutes from the last meeting, the elders were updated on the status of the evaluations. Next, the Elders completed the Office Manager’s evaluation. Jason will meet with Debbie to go over it.

The Moderator had asked the Elders to agree upon a date for Joint Session, either August 2 or August 3. The Elders will ask that it be August 3. The Elders addressed a list of prospective names from which the Moderator would like to use to form a nominating committee. Randy will report back to Dave.

The Elders were asked if they would support a soup ministry should one be formed. Jason and Jarrett will meet with Charlene and Alice before sending the request on to the Deacons.

The Elders were asked if they would support a once per month dinner, either covered dish or provided. Jason and Jarrett will meet with Charlene to discuss this further.

The Elders were made aware that Lauren is resigning as Church Financial Secretary.

The Elders were provided the curriculum that is being used this summer for the 1st to 6th grade Sunday School class.

The Elders approved Hannah Crawford, Verona English, and Stacey Kiehl for Sunday School Teachers.

Jason gave the Elders an update on the things he is currently working on. Jarrett reported that he is making final plans for camp - where he will be the camp pastor.

The next Elder meeting will be August 10 at 6:30 pm via Zoom.


6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter

The meeting began with Briana making a presentation that included the data of how many people we are reaching via Facebook and Youtube and how many are reached via social media. She showed examples of postings that have been produced by Nucleus. Nucleus is the new platform we are using for our online presence, it is the central hub for our church. Briana also gave a demonstration of the content and how to maneuver the church’s new website. She asked the Elders what she should post on the website regarding program offerings to children and the safety and security that is in place for the children. The Elders will ask the CE committee to do some research and make recommendations.

The Elders approved vacation time for Jason from July 5 through July 11. Randy will preach on July 11 and Jarrett will teach adult Sunday School in Randy’s stead on that date.

The Elders addressed a question from Jarrett on the use of the Youth Group line item which belongs to the CE Committee’s section of the budget. The Elders suggested good communication between Jarrett and the committee and went on to recommend that Jarrett sit in as an ex officio member of the Christian Education Committee, at least as often as he can attend their meetings. 

The Elders voted to postpone Junior Church until the fall. They will ask the CE to help in securing a volunteer to coordinate Junior Church. The Elders believe we need to be flexible with the number of children’s Sunday School classes that are offered until we see a clearer pattern on which kids will be attending on a regular basis. The Elders will send Randy to the CE committee to coordinate these thoughts and to give the Elders’ opinion on what to do for Promotion Sunday.

Jason updated us on the proposed Joint Youth Group. There are some snags to work out among the three senior pastors before it is moved forward.

The Church Picnic is set for August 15. Jason will take the lead in finding a place to hold the event. 

Trail Life is now defunct and we most likely will lose the charter. 

Jason reported that we are planning a date for the send-off of Brian & Lura Miller (and children) This will include a covered-dish luncheon. The most likely dates are August 1 or August 8.

Jarrett reported that he has been preparing for the week of summer camp, previewing materials that he may use for youth ministry, and that he has been attending some of our youth’s sporting events and dance recitals.  

Jason reported that Melody Lahr will be baptised June 27. (And she was).

The Elders met with Jarrett and Jason following the meeting to go over their annual evaluations.

Elders Meeting Minutes - May 10, 2021

Clarion First Baptist Church

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders held a one-hour meeting before they met in Joint Session at 7:30 pm to discuss upgrading the video and sound equipment.

Jarrett will be the Camp Zion pastor for this year’s summer camp. We are joining Zion and Grace Community for a one week camp. The camp is for grades 3 to 6. The older youth may also attend as helpers. There will be an announcement made soon in regards to donation cards.

The Elders voted to remove the blue tape, leaving it up to the congregation as to how to distance themselves during the worship service.

The Elders approved a pastor from Pittsburgh (formerly from this area) to use our facilities to baptize a couple from Ohio. This will be in the summer, the couple will be staying at Cook Forest. Jarrett knows the pastor.

The CE will be putting out a survey for a one day alternative to VBS to be held either at the County Park or the Eagles.

The Elders gave approval (pending details to be worked out) for a Gospel Quartet to perform for us on July 25. They require a meal and a love offering.

Jason will be out June 6. Jarrett will have the sermon.


The Elders met with a member from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm this morning for a discussion on some areas of concern.


7 pm to 9:30 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders met with Deb Morris for a discussion on how to plan for a Camp Judson Capital Fund Campaign. Jason and Deb will meet at a later time to finalize plans.

Final plans were made for the restarting of Sunday School for children. A couple of the older kids will attend the adult class. Jarrett will be meeting with a group of parents while classes will be provided for kids 3rd to 6th grade. The schedule was set for the teachers of the adult class through the end of May. Beginning in June, the teachers of the adult class will return to using the regular curriculum provided by Standard Publishing following the schedule of the International Sunday School Lesson Cycle.

The Elders addressed a question coming from the Mission chair. Randy will contact Vicki in regard to their answer. 

Jarrett reported that he is counseling a student.

The Elders approved Jarrett to be away June 27 for the celebration of the parents 50th anniversary.

Jason updated the Elders on things which he has been working on.  

The Elders asked Jarrett and Jason to give their self-evaluations to them by May 1.

The next meeting is May 12 at 7 pm. (Note: Jason may ask that this meeting be moved).


7 pm to 9 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish and Randy Leadbetter

After opening with prayer, the Elders were presented with a request from the Moderator asking if we would meet with the Deacons in a Joint Session. Three possible dates were given: March 23rd, March 24th, or March 25th. The elders agreed on March 24th at 7 p.m. and responded to the Moderator letting him know that we would be glad to meet at that time.

The elders noted that within 6 weeks or so, it will be time to do the annual evaluations for the pastors and the office manager. The four non-pastor Elders remained after this meeting for a few minutes of preliminary discussion regarding the evaluations.

The board spent some time strategizing how to prepare the congregation for consideration of both renovations and constitution changes should either of those move forward. The elders hope to discuss this with the deacons in the next joint session.

The board considered whether to resume face to face meetings or to continue using Zoom. The board decided for the time being, the elders will primarily use zoom. It is working very well, and for some, it saves as much as an hour due to no travel time.

A question was presented to the elders: “should we have two services on Easter, anticipating that we may have many more people in attendance than we have been normally getting for worship service.” Of course this decision would hinge upon how many are planning to come and how would one foresee the turnout on Easter. Hence, after a time of discussion, the elders decided to send out a quick survey to the church. If we find it would be beneficial to hold two worship services on Easter Sunday, then other questions arise. For example, how to get approximately half to attend the first service and the rest the second service.

The elders were informed that Melanie Lahr would like to be received as a member of the church and that she wishes to be baptized in the very near future. The elders will plan on meeting with Melanie.

A date has still not been set for the installation of Jarrett. Jason is working on those plans.

The elders were informed that the trustees agreed that additional cost to hosting our website, as proposed by Briana, could be handled under the communications line item and they agreed to let her move forward with switching our website host.

Teachers were scheduled to teach the adult Sunday School for the next few weeks. A master schedule has been created and has been shared with each of the Elders.

The elders will send a recommendation to the Christian Education Committee in regards to whether or not to have Vacation Bible School this year. The Elders will offer an alternative which would be to attend a summer camp that Zion hosts. If we do participate in this camp, Jarrett and other volunteers from our church would take part.

The elders were shown a financial snapshot that Debbie is planning to mail out to the church on a monthly basis to keep everyone informed of where we stand in our finances. The elders voiced their approval about the format of the report so as to keep the congregation better informed.

Jarrett shared his time log and he highlighted some of the things on which he has recently working.

Jason gave an update on some of the things that he has on his plate, including sermons and bible studies. Jason informed the Elders that he plans to go to South Carolina in November to officiate a wedding of a woman who had previously attended our church. He may be away one or two Sundays near Thanksgiving.

Earlier in the day, Jason had sent out a Connect message asking if anyone needed prayer by the Elders. Sixteen requests came in. The board made a beginning praying for these requests and the elders plan to continue individually praying for these concerns.

Keith closed us in prayer.

ELDERS MEETING MINUTES - February 24, 2021

7 pm to 9:40 pm

Elders present (via Zoom): Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders started the meeting by zooming in Briana Underhill. Briana presented to the Elders some changes she would like to make if the church approves. In a few months our annual subscription to Weebly, the company with which we host our website, will come due. She would like to switch to Nucleus. This change would save her several hours per month. In addition to website hosting, Nucleus will provide the resources needed for social media as well as provide a platform for our giving. After Briana finished, she answered questions. The Elders thanked her for the many hours she gives to the church. When Briana left, the Elders agreed that we ought to do whatever we can to accommodate her work. The Elders voted to recommend that we make this change, noting the hours of work that Briana does with no compensation. There would be a difference in cost. We currently pay $413 annually and the cost of Nucleus would be $1188 per year. There may be enough money budgeted in the communications line item to cover this increase in cost. The Elders will send this recommendation to the Deacons for their approval. 

Since several adults in our church will have had their second COVOD-19 vaccination soon, and since the spread of the virus is now declining in our area, the Elders voted to resume Adult Sunday School March 14, that is barring any increase in local virus transmission between now and then. Several of the Elders will share in the teaching. Furthermore, Randy is planning to start a small group via Zoom as early as next week. He will contact several who expressed interest to see when it is convenient for most or all of them. He is possibly looking at Wednesdays from 11 am to noon.

The Elders reviewed the constitution in preparation of an expected Joint session within the next several weeks.

Jason continued to share his vision for the church following the pandemic. This included buying and installing new equipment, some possible changes to the sanctuary, and modifications to the worship service content and schedule. Jason has been working with the trustees who are gathering some prices while they strategize on what can reasonably be modified. Once they get some more solid pricing, Jason and/or the trustees will present their findings and vision to the Board of Deacons. The Elders unanimously voted to keep this process moving forward which will include the purchase of new cameras, soundboard, TVs for the front of sanctuary, background lighting and front lighting.

The Elders agreed to move their meetings from Tuesdays to Wednesdays, at least for the near future.

This past Sunday, February 21, the elders met with Ben Crawford after church. Ben was requesting membership and had previously completed the membership class with Pastor Jason. After a good discussion, the Elders voted to receive Ben as a member. The church clerk was notified and Debbie mailed a letter to Ben confirming his membership. Jason is planning the Right Hand of Fellowship for the two for the near future.


7 pm to 9:20 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders started the meeting having a conversation with Hannah Crawford. Hannah had previously completed the Membership with Pastor Jason and was requesting membership. It was a good meeting. After it ended, the Elders voted to accept Hannah as a member. Hannah’s husband, Ben, is also requesting membership but he wasn’t able to meet tonight. The Elders will schedule a meeting with him at another time. 

Jason reported that the Church Office is now open at the normal hours. The Elders discussed resuming adult Sunday School. The discussion died after the board learned that the COVID numbers provided by the state have been increasing in the past 2 or 3 weeks. We will look at this again in March. It was noted that several of our older members have received at least one of the two COVID vaccine injections. 

The Elders discussed the Camp Judson Capital Fundraising Campaign. It has been delayed by months due to the pandemic. Deb Morris will meet with Jason in March to plan the details with the kickoff projected for April.

The Elders continued in a discussion of “Church after Covid.” Jason shared a document entitled “Digital Embrace” with the Board. The Elders will review it over the next two weeks before meeting again.

The question of whether or not to have Tenebrae this year was addressed. After a discussion, the board voted to hold a Tenebrae service on Thursday evening April 1st in the same manner that is currently being used for our worship service, that is live and online simultaneously. This means the service will be in the sanctuary and will include communion. There will be no meal. 

The Elders prayed for several in our congregation including the McMahan's, Joan Over, Rosie Banner, and Don Haggerty.

The Elders agreed to have a second meeting in February. It will be at 7 pm on February 23. This will be in addition to the meeting with Ben Crawford. 


7 pm to 9:25 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders began with prayer, asking God to help us to think, to talk, and to act like Jesus. We asked God to help us see what He was doing in our church and in our community. We told God that it was imperative that He be with us tonight, to guide us, to speak to us.

Next, the Elders reviewed the current status of the church. After this discussion, the Elders agreed to make no changes until at least the February meeting. 

Randy informed the Board that the Deacons did not want to have a Joint Session until at least spring. The Deacons thought it would not be efficient to have the Joint Session by way of Zoom. The Elders want to have a meeting as soon as we can so we can continue our work on revising or amending the church constitution. The Elders would like to have the changes in place, if possible, well before the annual meeting in the fall. Hopefully, we can meet, as the Deacons have suggested, in the spring, if not before then.

The Elders reviewed the financial report for the month of December 2020 and gave thanks that God has enabled the people of the church to continue to give generously so that the bills and expenses could be met. God has been so good to us and the faith of the people is very encouraging.

Jason and Jarrett gave the board updates of the ministry in which they have been working. We had a good time of sharing ideas of how Jarrett might connect with our children and youth in light of the ongoing pandemic. He plans on implementing some of these suggestions. Both Jason and Jarrett have been volunteering at Clarion-Limestone, helping to monitor students at lunchtime as they try to space-out students. 

The Board spent considerable time talking about our online presence and the model we may follow in the future. Jason will talk to the Trustees about possible changes in equipment and location of cameras, mics, and background. The Elders will have a discussion next meeting on the pros and cons of online worship services, searching for biblical guidance. 

The Elders gave their approval for Jason to announce the intended formation of Disciple Groups. These groups will begin by meeting online. Jason will explain how to sign-up along with other details this Sunday during the time of announcements. 

The Elders closed out the meeting praying for those who are sick or are facing other adversity. This included Patty Cyphert, the Custer family, Craig McMahan (and Mary), Jody Miles, Jim Merryman, Bridgette, Stan, Sandy, the Twiest family, Vicki Cooper, Lu’s family, and Jason’s mother.


7 pm to 9 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Jarrett Furnish and Randy Leadbetter

After opening in prayer, the Elders were given an update as to how Jarrett and Lu were doing in getting settled and to be certain that they had everything they needed in their transitioning to the Clarion area.

The Elders finalized Jarrett’s job description and asked him to track the time he put into the ministry by keeping a daily log. The Elders also reviewed the orientation plans for Jarrett and agreed on having an installation service for him in November. Either Jason or Randy will meet with the Board of Deacons at their next meeting to share both the job description as well as the orientation process.

The board made plans for Lura Miller’s presentation during the Sunday School hour on Oct. 18. Keith will make the announcements (including an update on COVID-19) , take prayer requests and then introduce Lura.

Since regular Sunday School has been set to resume October 25, the board worked on protocols. It is necessary to report that the board is less confident in restarting Sunday School as they had been at their previous meeting. This is because there have been instances of COVID-19 at some of the area schools and significant increases in the number of infections in the county over the past two or three weeks. Therefore, the board plans on monitoring this very closely and is prepared to cancel Sunday School on a moment's notice; however, in the meantime, the plans are still in place to resume on the 25th. As for the adults downstairs, a microphone is available for the teacher and we will ask the adult students to spread out across the entire room. Charlene has a couple of teachers in place to handle the few number of kids expected to attend. 

The Elders put a schedule in place for the teaching of the adult Sunday School.

Oct 25 Don

Nov 1 Keith

Nov 8 Scott

Nov 15 Ralph

Nov 22 Keith

Nov 29 Jason

Dec 6 Don

Dec 13 Don

Dec 20 Jarrett

Dec 27 Keith

Don led a discussion on what the church and the pastors can and cannot do in terms of politics and the election. Voter guides and materials have been ordered and Jason will address the election two Sundays before Election Day.

Jason closed the meeting in prayer.

ELDERS MEETING MINUTES - September 29, 2020

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Stan Sowl, and Randy Leadbetter

After prayer, the Elders quickly reviewed the Annual Meeting. They agreed it went well.

The Elders reviewed the orientation process for Jarrett Furnish. The board was informed he will begin the first week in October. The Elders also reviewed a draft of Jarrett’s job description. They will finalize it at the October meeting.

Matt Breniman came into the meeting for about fifteen minutes to give the Elders an update on Trail Life. He discussed ideas of the restart but said that there are some potential problems. Some parents are not going to send their boys if they have to wear masks while others indicate they won’t send them if the others aren’t wearing them. Matt also reported that they lost two leaders and that puts overnight camping into jeopardy. The rules are fairly strict on the number of adult supervisors. The board voted to permit Matt to make the decisions of how to proceed over the next few months.

Charlene, the Sunday School Superintendent, and two members of the Christian Education Committee, Elaine and Cindy, met with the Elders to discuss the reopening of Sunday School. The Elders voted to reopen it on Sunday October 18. On that date, Lura Miller will make a presentation in the Sanctuary. On October 25, Sunday School for children and adults will resume. Charlene will find out which teachers would be willing to resume. Jason will contact the parents of the children to try to get a close estimate of how many children we can plan on attending.

The Elders gave approval to Jason to restart the Thursday morning Bible Study on October 15.

Randy will survey the congregation to see if there is any interest in weekly prayer meetings.

Jason reported that 5 individuals will be baptized on Sunday October 4, 2020: Larry Fulton, Alice Fulton, Tura Miller, Kate Mervosh, and Staci Keihl (and perhaps Kaleb Keihl).

The Elders thanked Stan Sowl for his last four years of service on the Board. Stan’s term ended tonight. Scott Underhill will come back on the board beginning October 1. Stan closed the meeting with prayer.

ELDERS MEETING MINUTES - September 15, 2020

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Stan Sowl, and Randy Leadbetter

The Elders accept the membership resignations of Anthony Terrana, Paula Terrana, Gregg Smith, and Jean Smith.

The Elders agreed to take up the State Convention Offering on October 18.

The Elders asked Lura Miller to make a presentation in the sanctuary on October 18 during the Sunday School hour (9:30 - 10:15 am).

The Elders will ask the C.E. Committee and Sunday School Superintendent to join them Tuesday, September 29 at 7:15 pm to strategize the reopening of Sunday School

ELDERS MEETING MINUTES - September 6 & September 13, 2020

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush , Don Dininny, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Stan Sowl, and Randy Leadbetter

Following the worship service on September 6, the Elders met with Jarrett and Lu Furnish. The meeting was called to interview Jarrett for the position of Associate Pastor of Families and Discipleship, a position that the Elders had been trying to fill for over 7 years. The interview lasted about 90 minutes.

Before the worship service of September 13, the Elders met to review the interview of September 6 and to discuss moving forward with this recommendation. Following the discussion, Ralph moved that we present the recommendation of filling this position in Joint Session on Tuesday September 15. There was a second to the motion (Keith). The motion was approved. 


7 - 9:40 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Don Dininny, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, Stan Sowl, and Randy Leadbetter

After the opening prayer, the Elders reviewed the Deacon Minutes and then reviewed the recent Joint Session meeting.

The Elders were asked if Deb Morris may still lead a fundraising campaign for Camp Judson when the pandemic is over. The answer was affirmative and Randy was asked to relay that response to Deb.

The Elders addressed a biblical question that was raised in the Joint Session. Jason will type up the board’s response to be given at the next Joint Session. 

Jason informed the board that both pastors, the worship leader (Scott) and accompanist(s) will meet at least quarterly to plan and implement music in worship service.

The Elders received the results of nominations from the Joint Session for Elders and Deacons. Each person nominated was discussed and then voted on as to which to send letters requesting 1) self-examination in terms of biblical qualifications and willingness to serve in this capacity 2) to meet with the elders as part of their decision-making process.

The Board has set aside the evening of August 31 to meet with nominees.

The Elders approved a week’s vacation for Jason that will include Sunday September 20.

Jason provided the board with the results of an informal survey where a sampling of the membership asked if they wanted Thursday morning Bible Study and other activities to resume in the fall. Of those asked a few said no but a vast majority answered yes. The Board is planning to resume the following in October. The rationale of waiting an extra month is the board would like to see the early results of schools opening in our area.

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Adult Sunday School (and maybe one or two classes for all children)

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Trail Life, though starting date may be delayed past October

The Board’s next regular meeting will be September 15 at 7pm (Aug. 31 for nominee meetings).


7 - 9 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Don Dininny, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter (via zoom).

After the opening prayer, the Elders met with Scott Underhill in a discussion of moving forward in the area of music in the worship service. The Elders affirmed Scott as the worship leader/coordinator. The Elders will recommend at the next joint session, that instead of a paid accompanist, that Scott would coordinate multiple volunteer accompanists as he determines the needs.   

The Elders examined the Mission Committee’s proposed budget that would include eliminating some line items while increasing others. The Elders agreed with the committee’s rationale and completely endorsed their proposal.

The Elders accepted Paula’s resignation as pianist.

The Elders gave approval to each name the Nominating Committee would like to present to the congregation at this year’s annual meeting to serve on the various committees.

The Elders discussed the possibility of going to two services should the COVID-19 situation remain the same or worsen and the onsite attendance is at or more than it was on Sunday July 19.

Since Debbie is coming in on her days off to help get the online worship service ready to go live on Sundays, the Elders agreed that she can use flex time to accommodate this work with oversight by the pastors.

Since everything is still changing almost weekly, the Elders were not in a position to make plans for this fall though there was discussion of how social distancing might look should Sunday School resume.

The Elders were informed that the Moderator has called for a Joint Session on August 6 at 7 pm.

The Board’s next meeting will be August 11 at 7pm.


7:00 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Don Dininny, Stan Sowl, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

After the opening prayer, the Elders began the meeting with a review of the current status of the church and considerations moving forward as related to COVID-19. There was much discussion on whether or not to have two worship services (one for masks) and whether or not to start up Sunday School. All suggestions were tabled until the July 21 meeting.

As requested by the Mission Committee, the Elders spent time going through each of the committee’s line items in the budget that they are currently working on. The elders will send back a statement to the committee with the feedback as requested.

Since both pastors will be traveling in July and/or August, the board discussed how much the pastors would need to be quarantined when coming back to this area. Strategies were given of how to distance the pastor from the rest of the congregation for the first two weeks upon returning.

The Elders discussed the use of the podium during worship service. The board told Jason he should feel free to use whatever he wants.

The Elders had no objections to the moderators proposed 2020 nominating committee.

Again, the pastors were dismissed and the other elders finished the annual evaluations. They will send a rating on to the deacons in time for their budgeting process.

The Board’s next meeting will be July 20 at 7pm.


7:00 - 9:00 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Don Dininny, Stan Sowl, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

After the opening prayer, the Elders began the meeting with a review of the past and the current status of the church as related to COVID-19.

The Elders have been asked by the Mission Committee for feedback and suggestions as that committee prepares for the 2021 mission budget. The Elders will finish that discussion and send on their feedback at the June 30 meeting.

The Elders appreciated the work and resources that Gregg and Tony put into the clothing ministry and the Elders agreed to send them each a note conveying appreciation of their willingness to serve Christ in this capacity.

The Elders worked on evaluations for the pianist and office manager. When the discussions for these two positions were finished, Jason and Randy left the meeting so the other elders could have candid dialogue regarding the pastors.

The Elders set their next meeting at 7pm on June 30.


7:00 - 9:10 pm

Elders present: Stan Sowl, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

The Elders began the meeting with Shelly Hunter. Shelly came to suggest that we might try separating boys and girls into two classes for junior/senior high school Sunday School students. She gave her rationale for the Elders to consider. After she left the meeting, the elders had a discussion on the subject and thought it might be worth trying but they wanted to get the thoughts of the CE Committee, who were already scheduled to meet with the Elders later in the meeting. 

At 7:30 pm, three members of the CE did meet with the Elders: Elaine Custer, Ruth Snyder, Lauren Snyder. The elders wanted to know if it were possible not to have the church picnic on the first two weekends that the college students would be here to begin a new term. Scott had told us the first two weeks are very important in determining if they would attend church while going to school, and if so, where they would attend. After a time of discussion, the CE told the Elders that they would like to leave promotion Sunday on September 30, during the Sunday School hour; but they didn’t think it would be a problem to move the church picnic/worship service providing another date was available at the Eagles. 

The Elders were informed that a possible VBS director has come forward. 

As for the idea of having a boys class and a girls class for the Junior/Senior high, the CE Committee members agreed, it would be worth a try, if a male teacher could be recruited. 

Jason reported that his trip with the BRM to Bogata has been postponed until September due to the coronavirus.

The Elders had discussion on missions and missionaries, ministries including the clothing ministry, and Christian Education including Sunday School.

The next meeting was set for April 14 at 7 pm.

ELDERS MEETING MINUTES - February 25, 2020

7:00 - 9:40 pm

Elders present: Stan Sowl, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

The meeting began with prayer and the approval of January’s minutes.

Next, the Elders were given the highlights of this month’s Deacon’s minutes and the Mission Committee’s minutes. 

The Elders reviewed Adult Sunday School, the Pastor’s Class, and Randy’s Small Group. The Elders were informed that the Church Picnic (and promotion Sunday) has been scheduled for the last Sunday in August. The Elders would like to meet with the CE Committee at their next meeting, providing they are available. If not, another time will be chosen.  

Though Jason will be back from his Bogata mission trip the day before Sunday March 22, he will not preach that Sunday since he would have little or no time to prepare. Scott would like an opportunity to preach occasionally, so the Elders approved him to preach March 22.

Jason was approved for vacation June 15-29. Randy will preach for him on the two Sunday’s that he is away.

The Mission Committee asked the Elders for some input to their line items before budget time this summer. In response, the Elders would like to invite the committee to meet with them within a couple of months.

The Elders are concerned that Debbie has been responding to many requests on Sundays. They acknowledge that this is her day off as well as a day for her to be able to come to worship with her family. The Elders would like to ask that people not rely on Debbie for help on Sundays. Jason will address this in the announcement time of a worship service.

The Elders reviewed a packet of material from the State Convention (BRN) entitled “10/5 Challenge Covenant.” Included in that packet is a church assessment tool. The Elders tabled any decision on it so that more time may be given to study it. 

Jason informed the board that the pastors of some local churches are beginning to make plans to hold a community communion service during the evening of Good Friday. It will most likely be held somewhere on campus. The Elders supported this endeavor.

Stan had the closing prayer.


7:00 - 8:40 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

The Elders met with Ivan Cousins. Ivan had completed the membership class this past fall and was requesting membership. After Ivan left the meeting, the Elders voted to accept Ivan as a member of the church. Jason is planning the right hand of fellowship for Ivan as well as Mack and Laurel, most likely the last Sunday in January.

The Elders received a packet from the Moderator which contained the job descriptions of the boards and committees.

Jason will begin the next membership class on January 19 and Randy will begin a small group during the Sunday School hour on January 26.

Jason informed the board that he will be going to Bogata in March. Randy will preach for him on March 22.

The Elders reviewed the visit by Brian and Lura Miller and are very supportive of them.

The Elders discussed an opportunity to enter a covenant with the BRN and their willingness to help the church with revitalization. Resources will be available to FBC if we would commit to 1) completing an assessment, 2) participating in a Who’s Your One endeavor, and 3) sending one or more attendees to a Blackaby Seminar at State College next fall. The Elders asked to see a copy of the assessment.

The Elders reviewed an email from Deb Morris regarding Camp Judson and it’s 2020 promotion campaign.

2019 and meetings prior

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

December 17, 2019

6:00 - 8:30 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

Tonight, the Elders met individually with five people who have recently participated in the Pastors Membership Class; and, who have requested that the church accept them as members. Each meeting was approximately twenty minutes in length. The following were the main points of discussion:

  1. Expectations of members
  2. Purpose of the church
  3. Reason for wanting to become a member as well as how they view the privileges and responsibilities of membership.
  4. Their profession of faith in our Lord Jesuis Christ
  5. Their agreement with our Statement of Faith.

After the final interview was completed, the Elders discussed the time spent with each candidate. The Elders believed that each candidate gave a since confession of faith and allegiance in Christ Jesus and noted all five believed that through this church, God was giving them a place where they could serve Him alongside others, a place where they would be loved and could love others, and a place where they could grow more and more into the image of our Lord.

Therefore, the board voted to accept all five as members. They will be offered the Right Hand of Fellowship soon after the first of the new year.  

Those new members are:

Laurel West

Mack West

Larry Fulton

Alice Fulton

Cathy Janke

​Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

​December 10, 2019  7:00 - 9:30 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Keith Hastings, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

Randy opened with prayer.

The Elders reviewed the minutes from the CE committee

In the past 3 or 4 months, The Elder Board had spent about five 2-hour sessions reviewing the constitution and formulating recommendations for changes that they would like to offer up for discussion in Joint Session at some point in the near future. The Moderator and Deacon Chair were invited to tonight’s meeting. The Elders shared with them and explained their working document. The Deacon chair plans to ask each deacon to review the constitution and to offer their thoughts on possible changes. The Elders would like to meet with the Deacons in Joint Session after they have time to complete their own review.

The Elders received from Jody Miles a proposed outline of the purposes and procedures for implementing the Medical Response team which would be made part of the Safety & Security Plan. Jody is asking for approval so that he might move forward in the development and implementation for this part of the plan. The Elders agreed to look over Jody’s proposal and come back in one week prepared to vote on whether or not to approve it.

The Elders spent time considering if it was a good idea for Jason to accompany other pastors of the BRN to Bogata this winter for a few days as a precursor to a mission trip by an FBC team in the next year or so.

The Elders have scheduled to meet with 3 participants in the most recent Pastor’s Membership Exploration Class who are requesting to be accepted as members. These three interviews will take place on Tuesday December 17, at 6 pm, 6:30 pm, and 7 pm.

The Elders prayed for Brian and Lura Miller as they are going to the Middle East this winter on a short mission trip. This trip will help them to determine if they should deploy there in the next few months as medical missionaries. Additionally, the elders prayed for God’s help in other matters as well.

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

November 12, 2019

7:00 - 9:00 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

Stan opened us with prayer.

The Elders reviewed the minutes of the Missions Committee, CE Committee, and the Board of Deacons.

The Board noted that they had completed the task of going through the constitution and are ready to offer suggested changes to Joint Session. The board would like to invite the chair of the Deacons and the Moderator to their December 10th meeting. If both are not available at that time, the Elders agreed to move their meeting to another time when both would be available.

The Elders gave approval for Deb Morris to coordinate efforts here at FBC for Camp Judson ‘s Capital Fund Campaign. Once Deb finds out what that will entail, she will meet with Jason to strategize the implementation of the campaign.

The Elders reviewed special offerings and aspects of the worship service.

The Elders were given the scope and sequence for the adult Sunday School class for the winter quarter. The board is in the process of assigning teachers for each week. Note: there will not be a lesson December 15 (children Christmas program).

Jason and Randy updated the board on their current pastoral visits.

Jason reported on his trip to the BRN Annual Convention. He told us of some opportunities the BRN is making available to the churches in the state.

The Elders voted to reaffirm our affiliation with the BRN (SBC State Convention). We will send in a signed letter stating that we are in compliance with the steps for affiliation and that we affirm the BRN’s new statement on abuse. The Board of Elders will ask the CE Committee to review our church’s abuse policies and make recommendations back to the Board of Elders as needed. 

The Elders were informed of an issue concerning the Pastor’s health insurance. 

The Elders next meeting will be December 10, 2019 at 7 pm.

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

August 27, 2019

6:30 - 8:30 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

The meeting was opened with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

The Elders had invited the Mission Committee and a member of the Deacons to the beginning of this meeting for the purpose of reporting and discussing some concerns with Camp Judson that came to light this summer. Vicki Cooper, Deb Morris and Jim Darr attended this portion of the meeting. Several suggestions were made as how to proceed. Jason will contact a few other pastors. The issue will be monitored.

The Elders will pass on to Debbie those who will stand for the office of Elder and Deacon so that Debbie can put them on the ballot and into the Annual Report. Rebecca Allison and Mary McMahon will stand for the office of Deacon. There will be no one standing for the office of Elder.

Jason announced to the Elders that he has given Sheetz his resignation since he will need another evening or two per week for ministries. His last day at Sheetz will be September 4, 2019.

Jason updated the board on his plans this fall for the Pastor’s Class (and the names of those signed up) and the status of the small group class that meets during the Sunday School hour.

The board reviewed “Inside-Out Sunday.” The comments from the board were positive. However, the board would like the date moved up one week next year so that it doesn’t coincide with the return of the College students.

The Adult Sunday School teaching schedule was presented to the Elders.

Jason presented his plan that he and Randy will contact every household in the congregation to offer a visit at the home, a meeting at the church or coffee shop, or anything the attendees might desire in terms of pastoral ministry. The pastors plan to contact each attendee at least once every nine months beginning in October. The two pastors will alternate those contacted every nine months. Jason will announce these plans to the congregation on September 22 and 29. The board agreed that his was a good idea and approved the plan

Though we have two board members who cannot attend Joint Sessions on Mondays, the board agreed to meet in Joint Session on Monday October 9. 

Since American Heritage (for girls) is delayed while leaders are identified, Jason explained there is another opportunity for our youth. Since Zion and Grace Community, like FBC, have only about 4-6 youth each, we could combine some youth meetings, rotating among the three churches. The Elders agreed to the proposal therefore Jason will further explore this plan.

To close the meeting, the Elders prayed for concerns in the church.

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

August 13, 2019

7:00 - 9:00 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Jason Hunter, and Randy Leadbetter.

Stan opened the meeting with prayer.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Jason reported that the leadership is not in place for American Heritage and that we would be wise to slow down a little to make sure of a solid beginning.

The board was updated on the status of candidates for elders and deacons.

The Board was made aware that our piano is not staying in tune. Randy will ask Paula if she would be willing to talk to the Elders at one of their next few meetings. Then, the matter will be shared with the Deacons at the next Joint Session this coming fall.

The board was made aware of a concern at Camp Judson. The board will meet again this month to discuss the situation and will invite the Mission Committee and the Deacon chair to join them.

Jason reported that his hours at Sheetz has been reduced and asked the board to make an evaluation of the effect his work at Sheetz has had on his ministry (if any). The Board replied that they saw no negative impact on his duties at the church.

Jason told the board that he would like to investigate and consider three items for the near future:

  1. Updated camera system
  2. New logos and branding
  3. Partner with CV Outreach

The board agreed to have Jason move ahead with his investigation of items 1 and 2. The board approved the request to partner with CV Outreach. See https://cvoutreach.com/partnership/ for details on how the program works. There is no cost to our church. Basically, we will be given an opportunity to connect with people in our area who are using Google to search for answers to their faith-related questions.

​Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

July 22, 2019

6:30 - 10:15 pm


Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter.


The meeting was opened with prayer.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

 Two Christian Education Committee members, Ruth Snyder and Elaine Custer, joined the Elders for a discussion on two topics.

  1. There was a discussion on the pros and cons of adding American Heritage, a program similar to Trail Life but for the girls (ages K-12). It was reported that preliminary informal surveying has indicated a significant interest in the program. Suggestions were made as to how to restructure a portion of the CE budget to produce the funds needed for American Heritage. A motion was made to charter American Heritage. The CE Committee will work on realigning their budget at their next meeting before it goes to the Budget Committee (Board of Deacons) for final approval of the proposed annual budget.
  2. There was a review of VBS and the carnival that preceded VBS. The Board offered their appreciation of all those who helped and their recognition of the very good work Rebecca did as a first-year director. Jason reported that Rebecca met with he and Randy where the three did a careful and extensive review of the things that went well. They also brain-stormed on possible improvements for next year. 


The Elders approved two vacation days for Jason (if he needs them): August 7 & August 8.


Jason and Randy reported on a conference call they had with Ray Kaselonis, an attorney for the Alliance Defending Freedom organization. They will give a similar verbal report to the Deacons at the next Joint Session.


The Elders received a report from the nominating committee.


The Elders received the Joint Session’s nominations for Elders and Deacons. As required by the constitution, the Elders screened each nominee for biblical qualifications. Next, the Board determined to mail out letters to those nominees who will be asked to consider their willingness to stand for election to the corresponding board. The letter will request each nominee do a self-screening before replying to the Board of Elders.


The Elders approved to name and utilize Briana Underhill as their Communication Facilitator. The board reviewed and accepted a rationale/job description document. Briana would need a laptop computer. She has been using Scott’s. The board will pass this recommendation (computer) on to the Board of Deacons. Perhaps they could meet this expense my using money in the memorial fund.


The Board met with Randy to review his annual evaluation. Next, the same review was done with Jason.


July 8, 2019

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes  July 8, 2019  6:00 - 7:30 pm

​Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Keith Hastings, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter.

Randy opened with prayer.The Elders reviewed and signed the annual evaluations for Debbie, Paula, and Matt & Bridgette. The Elders did a quick review of the Adult Sunday School teaching schedule for the remainder of the summer. The Elders considered a proposal by Brenda DeDe regarding a revival conference this fall. The conference would target the community, university students, including those of different cultural backgrounds. The board asked Jason and Scott to move forward with the gathering of more information, writing a BRN grant proposal, and soliciting support, then to report back to the Elders at the August meeting. There was a consensus that the middle or end of October would most likely be the most effective time to hold such a conference. The Elders gave Briana Underhill permission to move ahead with plans for a women’s seminar (webcast) on Sep 27 and 28. It is put on by Revive Our Hearts. The board received a document from Briana Underhill outlining the rationale for the creation of a communication facilitator. Since the Elders were not able to give much time to the consideration of this document (due to Joint Session at 7:30 pm), this was tabled until the next meeting. The Elders had a short discussion on the Mission budget, especially since HUF will not be a line item for the next fiscal year. Two of the mission committee members came in for a very short update on their work. The Elders were made aware that Joe will be looking for another church in Brookville (where he now lives) by winter. Joe has served as head usher and greeter for a number of years now.

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

June 11, 2019

7:00 - 8:30 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter.

Stan opened with prayer

There were no committee reports since none of the three committees met on Common Meeting.

The Elders reviewed the new-styled bulletin.

The Elders reviewed the schedule for adult Sunday School teachers for this summer

The Elders were told that the year-end night for the Children’s Ministry went very well.

The Board had a discussion on a choir for Christmas and Easter. A sign-up sheet will be used later in the summer to determine if there is enough interest to warrant a choir.

Randy will be meet with Debbie, Paula, Matt and Bridgette to go over their annual evaluations. There was also a discussion on job descriptions. The discussion will continue in Joint Session.

John Madden requested that he me permitted to teach a Sunday School lesson and/or give a minute for mission on July 21. The Elders approved John giving the minute for mission on that date.

The Elders set their July meeting for 6 pm on July 8. At 7:30 pm on that date, the Elders will join the Board of Deacons for a Joint Session. The primary purpose of that Joint Session meeting is to make nominations for Elders, Deacons, and Moderator. The date for the annual meeting will be set at this time.

The Elders spent some time brain-storming of alternative ways and times to hold our annual meeting so that more members would be able to attend. Further discussion on this will need to be done in Joint Session.

Jason closed in prayer after a discussion on concerns for our people.

Jason and Randy were dismissed while the other Elders finalized their evaluations on both pastors.

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

May 14, 2019

7:00 - 9:30 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Keith Hasting, Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter.

The Elders invited the Christian Education Committee to meet with them tonight for a discussion regarding Sunday School. Some of the points of discussion dealt with declining numbers and ways to improve the numbers as well as the possibility to combine classes. Other ideas were introduced and discussed. The Elders gave authority to the Committee to assess and modify the children’s Sunday School Classes as they deemed necessary. The Elders thanked Ruth for leading the children’s ministry. Ruth is stepping down as the coordinator of the children’s ministry, however, she will assist any person or group who would be willing to take it over. The Elders are praying and searching for someone or person to take over this position.

​The Elders approved Alissa Cooper as a children's’ Sunday School teacher for this summer.

Jason showed the Elders a sample of a new-styled bulletin, one with a more modern look. The Elders gave their approval to try the new format.

The Elders reviewed the scope and sequence for the summer in the adult Sunday School class.

The elders discussed the role of a media specialist and had some preliminary discussion on the creation of this position.

Pastor Jason will be on vacation June 12-25. Randy will preach on June 16 & 23.

The non-Pastor Elders will meet May 30 at 7 pm to work on evaluations of both pastors, the office manager, the pianist, and the youth leaders.

The Elders approved Jason to preach at his formal church’s homecoming event in September. The exact date is yet to be determined.

Scott led the Elders in Prayer before the meeting was adjourned.

Clarion First Baptist Church

​Elders Minutes  April 9, 2019  7:00pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Keith Hasting, Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, and Randy Leadbetter.

Jason informed the Elders of his revised office hours.

Monday 7-3

Tuesday day off (except for meetings and appointments)

Wednesday: 7-3 and POW

Thursday: 9-3 and Trail Life

Friday: 7-3 (appointments required)

The Elders received a request to change the format of Sunday School for the summer. The elders voted to leave Sunday School as it is until they can meet with the CE and with the stakeholders. The Christian Ed committee will be asked if they would be willing to meet with the Elders on May 14 at 7 pm to begin a discussion on short-term and long-term approaches to Sunday School.

Jason updated the elders on a confidential matter.

The Elders spent the remainder of the meeting getting organized on their plans for the annual evaluations of both pastors, the office manager, and the pianist.


Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

​March 19, 2019

7:00 - 9:35 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Keith Hasting, Jason Hunter and Randy Leadbetter.

Randy opened the meeting in prayer.

Jody Miles gave a report on Safety and Security. Jody has done much reading of materials the pastors had given him and he went to a Safety & Security presentation at Trinity Point. Jody has done a thorough job and outlined for the elders a clear and well thought out plan for proceeding.

The Elders approved Jody to move to the next step which is a church assessment of three areas: facilities, medical, and security. Jody will be forming teams to complete these assessments. 

The CE Committee had made a request to the Elders to consider one or more pullout classes for the adult Sunday School class. The Elders will consider a class for women and/or young adults in the near future. For now, the board decided to have a C-Group class taught by Jason in his office. He will be targeting younger adults for this class which will be held this summer.

Jason informed the board that he and some other people will be participating again in a ministry for the Wine Walk in Clarion on May 11.

The Elders discussed a potential donation from a person in Michigan to be made in memory of Ray Karns. The donation would be a rack with Gospel tracks. The Elders saw no reason not to accept the donation but they will review the tracks before they are displayed.

The Elders approved Jason to be away on Sunday April 7, 2019. He is planning on a weekend retreat with Shelly and they are planning to visit a church below Pittsburgh who has implemented some new concepts he feels are worth examining. 

Stewart Weinisch will be here for a presentation/sermon on Saturday April 13 at 6:30 pm. There will not be a meal, rather a presentation in the sanctuary. Jason will coordinate with Stewart.  The Elders decdied to ask the Deacons if we might have a Joint Session on April 2 at 7 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to: 1) discuss the Pastor’s second job, 2) to have a discussion on his salary package, 3) to coordinate the timing of evaluations for pastors, pianist, and office manager, and 4) to coordinate Tenebrae.

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

January 15, 2019

7:00 - 9:10 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Keith Hasting, Jason Hunter and Randy Leadbetter.

Randy opened the meeting in prayer.  

The Elders were given the highlights from the CE Committee minutes from their meeting of the previous evening. It was noted that VBS has been schedule for July 15-19 and that Rebecca Allison will be the director of VBS this year.  The Elders were given an update on recent events in the Youth program.  

The Elders reviewed the weather policy. Church and Sunday School will not be canceled due to a weather event. We will send out a church-wide email reminding everyone to only come to the services if they can do so safely. Randy will be here in any weather event. Teachers are not to feel they must be present in case any of their students show up. Randy will see that they are taken care of. Teachers are to put their safety first.  

Jason reported that Timothy Boarts will be baptized on February 10.  

Jason showed a short presentation on RightNow Media and what resources would be available to all attendees of the church should we subscribe to it. On Monday, the Board of Deacons gave their consent to subscribing to RightNow Media. Jason explained that materials from this vast library can be used to help facilitate small groups. He is prepared to begin announcing the formation of small groups. The Elders agreed to both the use of RightNow Media and to the formation of small groups.  

Jason reported that he received permission to purchase a TV to be used showing the RightNow Media materials for youth lessons as well as other forums.  Jason reported that Jody Miles (from Trustees Committee) is planning to attend a safety seminar at Trinity Point on January 23.  

Jody Miles asked the Elders if he could use The Purpose Driven Life for Senior High curriculum. The Board gave the approval but will ask Jody to monitor it and if he deems it isn’t working out, to be encouraged to abandon it and return to the Standard Publishing curriculum. Jason and Jody will meet before Jody begins teaching from this book.  

The Elders reviewed the Christmas Eve service, the choir, and the music. 

The Elders spent time praying for the church, the people, and for wisdom and insight of how to help people feel welcomed, safe, cared for, loved, and how to balance the teaching of God’s Word and the giving of God-like grace.  The next meeting is set for February 12, 2019.

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

December 12, 2018

7:30 - 9:00 pm

​Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Don Dininny, Keith Hasting, Jason Hunter and Randy Leadbetter.

The Elders were in Joint Session with the Board of Deacons prior to the beginning of the is meeting.

Ralph opened the meeting in prayer.

There were no reports from the committees

The board reviewed the Joint Session meeting.

The Elders agreed to follow the International Sunday Lesson Cycle beginning in January with our statements of faith embedded into the lessons. Keith and Randy will teach January and February with the other Elders filling in as needed.

The Elders were given updates on some ministries within the church. Randy updated the board on communion that was taken to the shut-ins as well as their status and condition.  

Each Elder offered prayer as the board prayed for people and ministries in our congregation. The next meeting was set for January 15, 2019.

​November 13, 2018

Clarion First Baptist Church Elders Minutes  November 13, 2018 7:00 - 8:55 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Don Dininny, Keith Hasting, and Randy Leadbetter.

Scott opened meeting with prayer. The Elders were given the highlights of the committee reports from the CE and Mission Committees.

The teaching schedule for the remainder of calendar year 2018 was reviewed.

The Elders had previously given consent (via Jason individually contacting each Elder) to the naming of Junelle Smith as interim choir director for the 2018 Christmas season. Tonight, the Board officially entered this appointment into record. The Elders spent time discussing the lessons that will be taught in the Adult Sunday School class beginning the first week in January. The elders decided on six lessons relating to Scripture to begin the series of teaching through our statement of faith. The Elders spent time praying for the ministries of the church and then time praying for people of our church who have concerns and/or health issues.

October 9, 2018

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

7:00 - 9:24 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill, Don Dininny, Keith Hasting, and Randy Leadbetter.

The meeting was opened with prayer.

The Elders were read the highlights of the committee reports from the CE and Mission Committees.

Jason reported that Tricia Pezzuti was not permitted (by her agency) to organize a seminar here with Dr. Neyman. After getting feedback and agreement from the Board of Deacons, the Elders approved moving forward with the seminar. We will have to do planning and promoting. However, instead of having it in November, the Elders decided it would be better to have it in January. Jason will get back to Dr. Neyman and the two will agree on a weekend and then an alternate weeked in the case of a weather event.

The Elders were given an update on the New Bethlehem First Baptist Church.

The Elders were made aware that there was miscommunication regarding a previous discussion on the serving of communion. At a previous meeting, the Elders did have a discussion as to whether there is any Biblical reason that any member of the church would be prohibited from helping to serve the elements in our monthly communion. The consensus of the board was that scripture does not restrict who may serve the bread and wine. However, the board took no action on the matter because the responsibility of assigning the servers belongs to the Board of Deacons. The Elders want to apologize to the Deacons for any confusion they have caused and will make themselves available for a Joint Session to discuss this further should the Deacons decide that would be beneficial.  

The Elders received a couple recommendations from the Worship Committee for the position of Choir Director. There was a concern by both the committee and the board whether there was still enough interest in the choir. The Board will announce this Sunday that we are trying to determine how many people would be interested in singing in the choir and to let the office know within one week. 

The Elders planned the Sunday School lessons for the next few months. Each Elder will teach one lesson in November and December on a topic that has personal meaning to themselves. Randy will teach a Christmas lesson the Sunday before Christmas. 

​Nov 18 - Don

Nov 25 - Stan

Dec 2 - Ralph

Dec 9 - Scott

Dec 16 - no class, children’s program in sanctuary

Dec 30 - Keith

Meanwhile, the elders will develop lessons to begin the first of the year. The first several lessons will be on our statement of faith. The elders spent the remainder of the meeting in prayer, interceding for individuals, praying for ministries of the church, and for wisdom to serve the Lord as elders.


September 11, 2018

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elder Minutes

7:00 - 7:54 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter

The meeting was opened with prayer.

The elders will review the four Gospels and start writing a scope and sequence at their first meeting in October.

Tricia Pezzuti is requesting that we host another seminar with Dr. Neyman on November 30 and December 1. The purpose is to expose even more people in our community to the services of Dr. Neyman. The Elders agreed to house it and Jason will work on the details including cost.

The Elders approved the nominating committee report.

Jason asked the elders to discuss the preaching of advent sermons and he asked for suggesions. He is leaning on the theme being "Christ in Christmas."

Jason talked about his schedule and then told us that David Ludwig met with the church in New Bethlehem.

Stan closed in prayer.


August 28, 2018

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

7:00 - 9:15 pm

Elders present: Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, and Randy Leadbetter.

The Elders met with Bridgette to determine the distribution of the VBS fund raiser for feeding those in need. The Elders listened to suggestions then voted to give Bridgette and Jason permission to distribute the money as they are led by the Lord. A portion of the money will go to our food pantry.

Randy opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed.

The board was reminded that reports for the annual meeting are due soon.

Teaching coverage for the remainder of the adult Sunday School quarter was finalized.

Jason updated the board on the implementation of the Trail Life organization that will be chartered through our church. The church needs to pay a pre-charter fee of $99 immediately.

The Elders approved Jason’s request for a vacation day on Sunday September 2, 2018. Randy will preach and lead communion.

The Elders instructed Jason & Randy how they would like them to respond to a request by John Madden who will be visiting the area in November.

Jason reported on his meeting with Matt & Bridgette. He reviewed with them their plans for the youth group this coming year.

Jason, who serves on the Heart for Uganda board gave the Elders an update of that ministry and some of their plans for the next few months.

The Elders read a letter from the Clarion Area Chamber of Business and Industry requesting that organizations, including churches, reply indicating how each would be willing to respond to a local disaster. Jason will return the information to them.

Ralph closed in prayer.


Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

August 14, 2018

7:00 - 8:45 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Stan Sowl, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill, Keith Hastings and Randy Leadbetter.

The meeting began with prayer and the approving of the minutes from the past meeting.

The Elders reviewed the John Neyman seminar. The comments were positive as was the feedback from those who attended. Dr. Neyman will begin office hours at the church beginning Saturday September 8.

The elders went into a confidential session to discuss the results of a meeting that Jason and Randy had with an individual on August 9.

Jason and Scott indicated they were ready with plans for the August 19 worship and events at the Eagles Pavillion.

The Elders were given the quarter’s list of lessons for the Adult Sunday School class. Those elders who decide to teach one or more lessons will get back to Randy.

The Elders approved Jason’s request that Clarion FBC charter Trail Life,. The cost to the church would be $325 for the first year and $200 + $20 per person for each year after. Jason will discuss the funding of this ministry with the Board of Deacons.

The following is the description of the organization found on their website (https://www.traillifeusa.com/).

Trail Life USA is a Christian Outdoor Adventure, Character, and Leadership Program for boys and young men.

Operating from Troops that are chartered through churches in 48 states, the K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers.

Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.

Randy gave the board an update of the status of the nomination process for deacons and elders. The board is able to announce to the church that there will be no one standing for a new term of Elder at this year’s annual meeting. There are five openings for Deacons this year and there will be five members standing for a new term on the Board of Deacons: Dave Kiehl, Jody Kiehl, Dr. Tim Brooks, Deb Morris, and Jim Darr.

Jason led a brief discussion on the new pastoral care cards.

Jason told the board that he would bring more information to the Elders on church safety and possible training.

Bridgette announced that she will not direct VBS next summer. The Elders will begin to look for a replacement while expressing their appreciation for the good work that Bridgette had done. 

Scott Underhill closed the meeting with prayer.


​Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

July 24, 2018

7:00 - 8:45 pm

Elders present: Don Dininny, Stan Sowl, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter.

The meeting began with a confidential session in regard to the screening process for Deacon and Elder nominations.

The Elders briefly discussed the upcoming John Neyman seminar on August 4, 2018 as well as the “Inside Out Sunday” on August 19.

The Elders went back into a confidential session to discuss an ongoing situation in the worship service. The Elders agreed it would be wise to call for a Joint Session (as soon as possible) before taking any further action to resolve the concern.

The Elders were given the scope and sequence of Adult Sunday School lessons for the next 13 lessons. Each Elder is considering if they would like to teach any of these lessons.

Jason gave the board a brief update on the situation at the New Bethlehem FBC.

The Elders were pleased to hear that Vacation Bible School went so well. They are very appreciative of Bridgette and her staff for making this year’s VBS a success.

Jason told the board he is in preliminary talks with the organization of a Trail Life USA program that may be housed in our church.

The Elders were informed that they would be asked at the next meeting or so to review a new “pastoral care card” that would be placed in the pews and announced during worship services.

The Elders agreed to survey the church to determine the interest level in resuming small groups.

Jason closed the meeting with prayer.


​Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

July 13, 2018

7:00 - 8:30 pm

Elders Present: Don Dininny, Stan Sowl, Ralph Roudybush, Jason Hunter, Keith Hasting, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter.

The meeting began with prayer.

The Elders were given a report from each of their three committees.

It was reported that the Board of Elders had completed evaluations for both pastors as well as for the pianist and the office manager. The Elders reviewed the evaluation process and forms used. The Elders agreed to have Jason meet with Matt and Bridgette to review their work with the youth and for an update on their plans for the next several months.

The Elders are planning to have John E. Neyman Jr. at the church on Saturday August 4 from 9am to 12pm for a seminar. The seminar is open to anyone. The Elders agreed to pay John a stipend of $250, $200 from the counseling line item and $50 from the Elders line item. The Elders will notify Deb Morris, chair of the Deacons, of this decision. 

The Elders reviewed the Sande Mission Evening and the Elders also reviewed the most recent Joint Session. The Elders comments were very positive regarding each of these.

Jason reported that Ivan and Charlene will use the Sunday School hour on August 12 to give a report on their Disaster Relief trip to Connecticut. They will also have the minute for missions near the beginning of worship service on that same day.

Nominations for Elders and Deacons were submitted to the Elders by Dave Kiehl on behalf of the Joint Session. The Elders have began the screening process and will submit letters to those who be asked to consider serving on one of these boards beginning in October.

The Elders were informed that the church will meet at the Eagles Pavilion on August 19: Fellowship and coffee at 10 am, Sunday School promotion at 10:30 am, followed by worship service and then the annual church picnic.

The Elders considered a vacation request by Jason for this fall. Jason asked that he might carry over a few days of vacation into the fall for a trip with his father. The Board approved sending this request to the Deacons with their recommendation that the Board grant this request (for this year).

Jason asked the board to be praying about implementing of small groups this fall.

Stan closed the board in prayer.


​Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

June 13, 2018

7:00 - 8:30 pm

Elders Present: Don Dininny, Stan Sowl, Keith Hasting, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter.

The meeting began with prayer.

The next part of the meeting consisted of distributing pastor evaluation forms and a preliminary discussion on the process of evaluations. The Elders were given self-evaluations from both pastors. The Elders set the date of Tuesday June 19 at 7 pm to work on and complete these two evaluations. The Elders will complete evaluations on the office manager, pianist, youth leaders, and choir director on or before the July meeting.

The Elders were informed that a joint session is scheduled for June 26 at 7 pm for the purpose of nominations for deacons, elders, and moderator. In addition, the joint session will approve a nominating committee selected by the moderator.

The Elders assigned teachers for the adult Sunday School class for the next few weeks:

June 17: Keith

June 24: Randy

July 1:   Don

July 8:   Keith

July 15: Stan

July 22: Scott

July 29: Randy or Ralph

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

May 29, 2018

7:00 - 9:45 pm

Elders Present: Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter.

The meeting began with prayer and then the board received updates from the three committees.

Next, the Elders reviewed their April meeting with Barry Whitworth and David Ludwig. Jason will have members take the Spiritual Health Assessment survey over the next several weeks.

It was reported that the seminar with John Neyman has been moved to August 4 so that the Mission Committee can hold the evening with Alyssa and Victor on June 23.

The Elders looked at a document from Gregg Smith regarding the clothing ministry. There was discussion on how to do these types of ministries. The Elders were informed that Tony, Gregg, Coni, and Randy will go to a meeting at the Presbyterian church on June 3 as churches will gather to discuss the seminar that was held at Zion regarding Toxic Charity.

Jason reported on his and Randy’s attendance to a safety seminar in Punxsutawney on May 10.

Randy informed the elders that they will be given time at the June 12 meeting to work on pastor evaluations.

Jason updated the board on a potential legal problem with our constitution.

The board agreed to work on developing a scope and sequence for the adult Sunday School class that would begin somewhere around December.

The board discussed the New Bethlehem FBC and agreed to help them in ways we are able. Jason has been and will be in contact with them.

The board finished the evening discussing worship and worship songs.


​Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

April 10, 2018

7:00 - 9:30 pm

Elders Present: Jason Hunter, Don Dininny, Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, Scott Underhill and Randy Leadbetter   

We began the meeting with a conversion with a college student. After the informative and spiritual talk, we prayed for her. 

The Elders were given the highlights of each of the committee reports and the highlights from March diaconate meeting.

This included updates on the children’s ministry and nursery. The board gave thanks for the generous Annie Armstrong offering.  

The Board reviewed Tenebrae. Jason reported that he had received feedback from the Board of Deacons as well.

It was reported to the board that the church’s wifi had been recently updated.  Jason informed the Board that he will be

taking Mondays as a day off rather than Fridays.  

The Board was informed of some possible changes in the future for the

clothing ministry in terms of how clothing is distributed.  The Board was reminded of the mission night for Alyssa on

Friday, April 20 and that the Heart for Uganda Board will be attending this dinner and presentation.

The Board was informed that Jason, Randy, Coni Kifer, Gregg Smith, and Tony Terrana will be attending the Faith & Human Services Symposium on April 24. This will include a speaker addressing the age-old topic dealing with helping vs. enabling. It was also reported that Jason and Randy will travel to Punxsutawney for a Church Safety Seminar on May 10. 

The Board accepted Lauren Snyder’s resignation as choir director effective April 16, 2018.

The Christian Education Committee recommended Junelle Smith as a Sunday School teacher and informed the elders

that she already has her clearances. The Board approved this request.

The Elders, without objection, approved a request made by Gregg Smith that the church be listed as a water station during the May 18, 2018 wine walk. Tracy Becker informed Gregg that she will include us as a stop on the Wine Walk Map. Gregg reported that we would need to provide a table, bottled water, coolers, and ice. In addition, we could have Bibles and Gospel tracts available to give out.

The Elders were informed that Barry Whitworth (executive director of the Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania/South Jersey) and David Ludwig (Associate Director of Healthy Churches) will be with us at the April 24th meeting.

The Board closed with prayer.

March 15th, 2018



Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

March 14, 2018

Elders Present: Jason Hunter, Keith Hastings, Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, and Randy Leadbetter

We began the meeting with a devotion regarding the joy of a Christian, then we opened in prayer.  

The Elders were given the highlights of each of the committee reports and the highlights from February’s

​deacon meeting.

Jason reported on a meeting he had with David Ludwig in Indiana looking at the health of a church there.

The Elders were updated on the youth group ministry.

The board had a brain-storming session for over an hour on the vision and objectives of the church. We

discussed ways of reaching the lost and how to better disciple our congregation, and on giving total control

to the Holy Spirit.

February 27, 2018 Minutes



Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

February 27, 2018

Elders Present: Jason Hunter, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill, Ralph Roudybush, Stan Sowl, and Randy Leadbetter

We began the meeting with a reminder from Paul (1 Timothy 4:16) to “Watch our lives and doctrine closely.” We are reminded that as Elders, we too need prayer, to be more holy, to persevere in our labors, and for awareness, unity, and sympathy. We prayed for one another before we started the meeting.

The Elders made final plans for the praying of the college students and Mel Kifer near the end of the March 4 worship service.

Jason is coordinating a Sunday for John Neyman, Jr to come and make a presentation during Sunday School and then to come back for a 3-4 hours seminar (most likely a Saturday).

The Elders asked Jason to schedule Stewart Weinisch for another Sader program on April 13, 2019

Jason showed a couple of video messages from Barry Whitworth, the executive director of our state Convention (Baptist Resource Network).

Jason asked the Elders to read the first chapter of the book Rut, Rot, or Revival: The Problem of Change and Breaking Out of the Status Quo by A.W. Tozer.

The Elders concluded the meeting by praying for those in our church who are facing adversity.

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

February 13, 2018

Elders Present: Jason Hunter, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill, Ralph Roudybush, and Randy Leadbetter

The Board opened with prayer for the congregation, asking God that He would help all of us love all people like Jesus, having His mind and heart.

The Elders read the reports from Christian Education Committee and their ministries.

The Elders briefly discussed Palm Sunday and the children’s involvement. Jason will coordinate with Stacy Hastings.

Jason gave a general overview to the board on his plans for Tenebrae.

The Elders were given a document presenting an overview of John E. Neyman Jr., a Pastoral Counselor/Therapist. We have referred several people in our church and community to him for counseling at his office in Sarver, PA. The Elders decided to invite John to come to the church and offer a seminar. The Elders are hoping this in turn opens a door for John to come from Sarver to offer counseling sessions to our church and community beginning with one day per month. Jason will begin to plan for this seminar

Jason presented the board with his initial plans to develop and implement a vision for the church over the next few months. The process will require collecting data, analyzing the data, developing an action plan, and then the implementation of the action plan. He plans on visiting a church in Indiana with David Ludwig in the next two or three weeks.

The Elders gave their approval to Jason to invite Scott’s group of college students, who will be going to Puerto Rico, to be commissioned by the church. On March 4, we will have the group come down front during the worship service. The Elders and praying individuals from the congregation will gather around them as we pray for them.

The Elders are grateful to Martha who comes in routinely to clean and sterilize the young children’s toys.

The Elders prayed for several spiritual needs of the congregation and they prayed for individuals who are facing surgeries and/or are going through various illnesses.

January 23, 2018 Elder's Minutes

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes

January 23, 2018

Elders Present: Jason Hunter, Keith Hastings, Scott Underhill, Randy Leadbetter, and Stan Sowl

The Board opened with a devotion (on loving others one quarter at a time) and prayer.

The Elders read the reports from the Mission Committee and the Christian Education Committee.

The Mission Committee

  • The Mission Committee have approached the Memorial Committee for $305 to cover the shortage of the shipping cost for the shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.
  • The Elders join the Mission Committee in our gratitude for the Lottie Moon offering of $2219.
  • The elders are pleased that the Mission Committee has the baby bottles ready to go for the Next Step fundraiser.

  • The Christian Education Committee:
  • The Elders agreed to the request of the Sunday School Superintendent (Charlene) to have Dan Huyse come April 8 to sing for and with the children.
  • The Board received a request about a Sunday School program on Palm Sunday. The Board would rather have the program as part of worship service on that day. Jason will coordinate that with Charlene and/or Stacy Hastings.

  • Jason reported the Board of Deacons agreed with the Elders, that we ought to something similar to last year’s Tenebrae Service. Jason will begin to make plans for that evening.

  • Jason updated the Board on the on the youth group. They are planning to have a Super Bowl party here at the church. The Winter Blast at camp Judson looks like it will have good participation.

  • The elders want Bridget and Matt to work as a team and they are willing to accomodate them. ​

Clarion First Baptist Church

Elders Minutes - January 9, 2018

The Board opened with a devotion (on the accuser) and prayer.

The Elders met with Matt Beinhaur. Matt explained Bridget and his initial plans for the youth group. They plan on using The Story as the curriculum. He believes there is a potential of 5 or 6 teens for the remainder of this year. Matt and Bridger plan on meeting with the parents within a week or so to explain the program. Matt reported that Bridget and Deb Morris will take the teens to Camp Judson in February for Winter Blast. Matt and Bridget plan on bringing in other parents to assist. Matt left the meeting when this discussion concluded.

It was reported to the Elders that the proposed teacher workshop has been canceled due to lack of interest.

The Elders agreed not to have a Minute for Missions on Communion Sunday (1st Sunday of month).

The Board voted to approve Matt and Bridget as Co-Youth Directors. Since there is a small amount of money budgeted for a director, Jason will talk to Deb Morris about having the Deacons decide whether or not to give them a stipend.

The Elders reviewed Christmas Eve, December sermons, activities, etc. The consensus was that everything went well this Christmas season. Comments were very positive about the Christmas Eve service.

The board began discussion regarding Easter and Tenebrae. After brainstorming ideas, Jason agreed to come back to the Elders next month with a concrete plan for the evening of March 29. The board also discussed a possibility of booking Stewart Weinisch for the spring of 2019. The board agreed to move ahead with this booking.

The Elders spent time praying for specific people/needs of the congregation.